Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Cigarettes and their effect of one’s lowered BMI over non-smokers Essay Example for Free
Cigarettes and their effect of one’s lowered BMI over non-smokers Essay Cigarette smoking has established effects on body weight. The effect of weight concerns on smoking initiation, as well as smoking cessation will be examined in the following review. The following review further examines how age, time spent smoking and concern with an individual’s outward appearance, can also lead to a continuation of smoking. The following review also demonstrates that when one ceases to smoke cigarettes, there is a high likely hood that their BMI will raise as well as a demonstration that cigarettes increase the basal metabolic rate. Habitual smokers have been found to weigh 3-6 kg less than non-smokers. In the text the explanation of this relationship is examined. Findings include, the need to do something with one’s hands, food preferences, choosing sweets over other foods. Findings further explained that during the cessation stage an ex-smoker will gain 4. 5 kg and that roughly 13% will gain at least 11 kg. Efforts to address weight concerns in smoking cessation programs may need to target these subjects as it leads to these individuals not ceases to stop smoking cigarettes. Cigarette smoking is a well-documented public health problem. Furthermore, cigarette smoking has established effects on body weight. What is the cause and effect as to why smokers may have a lower BMI than non-smokers, and how do cigarettes affect weight gain during and after cessation? Also, does the possibility of weight gain after cessation, stop the smoking from quitting for fear of gaining weight? Tobacco deaths alone account for 4. 9 million deaths annually. Aside from the addictive properties, one explanation could be the belief that cigarettes contribute to a lower BMI. Also what happens to your BMI once you cease smoking cigarettes? The following review will examine scientific data on weight concerns and smoking behaviors. The dimensions of appearance concerns in smokers An individual’s outward appearance appears to play a large role in the onset and continuation of smoking. One way to tackle the problem of weight gain in smokers vs. nonsmokers is to simply ask them what their fears are, with regards to gaining weight and their appearance in general. Grogan, Hartley, Conner, Fry and Gough (2010) conducted an experimental research, involving a questionnaire of a total of 244 British, 17-34 yr. lds. The questionnaire given to the subjects was the Multidimensional Body- Self Relations Appearance Sub- Scales. The subjects were then asked to rate their feelings towards their appearance. The method involved mailing the questionnaire to 547 non-student participants in Leeds who had taken part of a previous smoking study; as well as an additional 80 university students that attended Staffordshire. The questionnaires were returned, some counting as undeliverable, which resulted in a final number of 244 complete data sets, Grogan et. al. (2010). The participants include Staffordshire University 7 male smokers, 36 male non-smokers, 5 female smokers and 32 female non-smokers. The sample from Leeds included 8 male smokers, 49 male non-smokers, 43 female smokers and 103 female non-smokers, Grogan et. al. (2010) . The questionnaire included closed and two open- ended questions, one such question was, why do you smoke? The scale also measured things such as Appearance Scale and Appearance Evaluation, also along with self-classified weight. The results that the researchers used , were compared by two factors Manova  followed by Univariate Anova. Results revealed the following data (F-4. 237=7. 90;p0. 001 eta squared=0. 10) In the end the only variable that differed significantly between smokers and non-smokers was appearance evaluation; smokers were not as positive about their appearance than non-smokers, Grogan, (2010). It should also be noted that this was based on asking subjects about their feelings toward their general physical appearance, not merely centered on feeling overweight, the results do not go along with the previous studies that smokers are more preoccupied with their weight than non-smokers, Grogan et. l. (2010). The results suggest that to in the future targeting smoking cessation programs need to target the smokers concern for the his/her overall appearance, as well as weight gain. Smoking as a Means to loose Weight There are many negative effects that continued smoking contributes to. Among many of these effects there is an altercation of lipid metabolism, through the increase of lipolysis, insulin resistance and the tissue lipotoxity, Gastaldelli, Folli, Maffei (2010). The researchers noted that smokers have in general a lower BMI than non -smokers. It is noted however, that heavy smoking is associated with less physical activity which often can lead to obesity, Gastaldelli et. al. (2010). It well established that smoking or nicotine ingestion increases the basal metabolic rate, which could explain an increased energy expenditure in smokers, Gastaldelli et. al. (2010). Smokers tend to be thinner than non-smokers and former smokers, and several studies have shown that a smoker’s BMI is lower, Gastaldelli et. al. (2010). In further support of this finding, it has also been found that heavy smokers tend to have higher BMI’s than lighter smokers and even some non smokers Gastaldelli et. l. (2010). Also in general the abdomen is where the fat in smokers seems to accumulate the most; as well as showing an increased waist to hip ratio. However, there has also been noted a decrease in the resting metabolism when a smoker reaches cessation. It has also been suggested that there is an It has also been suggested that there is an enhancement in metabolism when it combined with nicotine and exercise, Gastaldelli et. al. (2010). Cigarette smoking among high school students has increased as well. There are on average one-quarter of high school students currently smoking cigarettes, Johnson, Eaton, Pederson, Lowry (2009). The question remained whether high school students were using cigarettes as a method to control their weight, Johnson (2009). The method that was used for this research involved the youth Behavior Risk data (2005), where behaviors such as current cigarette use, trying to loose weight and (2009). Separate logistic regression models calculated adjusted odd ratios for cigarette use and trying to loose weight. In Spring of 2005 a three stage cluster model was used and the survey was administered to students in grades 9-12. There were a total of 98 items on the survey. The questions centered on how many cigarettes smoked, as well as whether or not weight was a factor that the students considered. The student’s method that was used for this research involved the youth Behavior Risk data (2005), where behaviors such as current cigarette use, trying to loose weight and also keep from gaining weight , Johnson (2009). Separate logistic regression models calculated adjusted odd ratios for cigarette use and trying to loose weight. The student’s BMI was also calculated from the metric conversions of self reported height and weight, Johnson(2009). Using the CDC growth charts the BMI was created as well. All of the statistical analysis including prevalence, and odd ratios were performed on weighted data, using SAS-Callable, Johnson (2009). The study indicated that trying to loose weight was associated with cigarette smoking before but not after, which in turn accounted for healthy and unhealthy weight control behaviors, Johnson (2009). Similarly, Park (2009) found that there is a rather consistent association between being concerned with one’s weight and current smoking. Data was then collected from the Minnesota Survey on Adult Substance, which used a telephone survey (N= 16289). Current smoking and mental health were considered, in relation to one’s body weight. The BMI was self reported and each subject was assigned a 1-4 on the body weight category. Those who reported smoking have smoked 100 cigarettes or more in their life and had 30 days Park (2009). The K6 scale was used to screen the subjects for any mental illness that was diagnosable, Park (2009). With further research Park, found that underweight woman were more likely to smoke. Smoking and BMI How does smoking effect BMI, is the question that Neil E. Grunberg examined, in 1985. Studies were conducted to compare the body weight of smokers vs. non-smokers. Habitual smokers have been found to weigh less 3-6kg less than non-smokers, Grunberg (1985). Interestingly, according to Grunberg studies have found that there appears to very little difference between smoking and BMI with regards to younger participants, specifically those aged 15-19. Considering these two studies it appears clear that smokers weigh less than non-smokers. Explanation of this relationship One such explanation that can help shed some light onto the correlation between smoking and BMI, is simply food consumption of smokers is less than non-smokers and that smoking cessation lends to increased food consumption, Cigarettes and their affect of one’s lowered BMI over non-smokers Grunberg (1985), offers another explanation is that cigarette smoking increases energy utilization. Therefore, smokers will gain less vs. non-smokers. A third explanation that, Grunberg (1985) mentions is that smoking affects certain food consumption, such as foods that fall into the sweet category. In essence, when a person who smokes cigarettes ceases to, they consume a higher amount of sweets. As well as when a smoker ceases to smoke they may feel a need to do something with their hands or a need for oral satisfaction. Some animal studies report that once nicotine was administered to the animals; their food consumption decreases, Grunberg (1985). Grunberg also points out that it is important to mention that only bland food was provided to the animals, as this may have had something to do with it as well. Another study produced similar results as well according to Grunberg. Subjects were studies during an eight hour period in a laboratory, in which they were not allowed to smoke. What they found was that the subjects ate twice as much sweet and salty food, but the same amount of other foods that they did when smoking was allowed, Grunberg (1985). Munafo, Tilling , Ben- Shlomo (2009) lend even further food for thought into this world. They conducted an longitudinal study in which they compared in different phases. The study consisted of contacting men aged 45-59, who were first seen in an evening lab. At all of the phases, the subjects had their measurements taken as well as their smoking history. The dietary behavior was also included in all phases except Phase IV, Munafo (2009). Non-smokers were also included in the study. Linear regression models were used to relate the BMI, to smoking status. The researchers found in the final results that never smokers and ex-smokers differ in their BMI when compared with current smokers with an average of 1. 6 kg. Also, even more surprisingly, the researchers found that the longer one ceases to smoke the higher their BMI. Munafo finds that the longer a smoker ceases to smoke, in time their BMI will return to the equivalent of that to never smokers.
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