Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Article reviews Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article reviews - Essay Example It revealed that children and teenage Hispanics were 28.9% obese ab 20.5% in the case of black people. Children who were considered severely obese as profiled above the 95th BMI percentile were prone by as much as 2.8 times of having hypertension compared to those who has moderate obesity. The study also revealed that approximately 5.6% of community population is severely obese that runs the risk of having hypertension. This is relevant because it shows how prevalent obesity is in our population. Imagine a staggering 5.6% of pediatric community population who has severe obesity. The media may only portray the aesthetic consequence of being obese as being labeled â€Å"fat† but medically, it has a morbid consequence of contracting hypertension which the media should also portray. 4. What is the method? How was the research collected? The data gathering was made through interviews of children and adolescents coming from different ethnic backgrounds. Qualitative research was conducted and data was extracted through focus group discussion. The study revealed that a child and adolescents social circle has different attitudes, motivations and behavior about their eating habit and this has significant influence among the other members of the peer group. This is unfortunate because most peer group adopt an unhealthy eating habit that is pass on to other members of the group. Every teenager can relate to this study. It basically says that social pressure induces a teenager to eat unhealthy food. Media is partly guilty of this issue too because they portray eating unhealthy foods such as burgers and pizzas to be the â€Å"in† food for teenagers and most of us buy it. Cnabers, Stephannie; Lobb,Alexandra; Butler, LaurieT; Traill, W. Bruce (2008).The influence of age and gender on food choice: a focus group exploration. International Journal of Consumer Studies, Vol. 32 Issue 4, p356-365, 10p Lo, J. C., Chandra, M., Sinaiko, A., Daniels, S. R.,

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