Sunday, 6 October 2019

Produce a written analysis of learning theory related to planning, Essay

Produce a written analysis of learning theory related to planning, preparation, delivery and asessment of your teaching and learning programmes - Essay Example Our lives could be very complicated if we were unable to learn because it would mean that we would not be adequately available to our society. We would sit as vegetables or empty shells alone in some dark room because we would not know that there was anything else. We would simply sit because there was nothing to show us that there was more to life than what we were doing at that time. Because learning seems to be a complicated situation we as humans have identified that we need to understand what learning is all about and how it affects us and the world around us. We also want to know how it affects people on a global level. Since learning is so important to everything we do it is important to analyze learning theory to see why it relates to how we as teachers cerate learning programs. Early learning theorist had their basis in both education and psychology. Many psychologists studied learning and influenced the field. The first learning theorist that comes to mind is Jean Piaget. Piaget spent his time with very young children and decided that children did not think like adults but that they had their own thought processes that had their own order and logic (Papert, 1999, p. 1). Although he later created his four stages of development his real interest was in epistemology. The theory of knowledge was interesting to him so he studied extensively it from a scientific standpoint (Papert, p. 3). According to Papert, a former student of Piagets: The core of Piaget is his belief that looking carefully at how knowledge develops in children will elucidate the nature of knowledge in general. Whether this has in fact led to deeper understanding remains, like everything about Piaget, controversial. In the past decade Piaget has been vigorously challenged by the current fashion of viewing knowledge as an intrinsic property of the brain. (Papert, p. 3). The Behaviourists and in particular B.F. Skinner

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