Friday, 31 May 2019
The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall and A Worn Path Essay -- Compare and
The short stories, The Jilting of Granny Weatherall by Catherine Anne Porter and A faded Path by Eudora Welty, have many similarities as well as differences. Both stories have a simple plot with a theme that is exemplary of their lives. These stories include great characterization, description of elements in the stories, and the point of view.Granny Weatherall is characterized as a very old lady who is extremely stubborn and bedridden. Granny Weatherall is a sickly old lady in denial. She believes that she is not sick although she is lying on her deathbed. Her life consisted of two men and her children with them. Granny Weatherall remembers her first love, John, leaving her at the altar. She later marries George who she has many children, one of which, passes away at a very young age...
Thursday, 30 May 2019
Eulogy for Father :: Eulogies Eulogy
Eulogy for FatherOn behalf of my entire family, I want to thank all of you for your blessing and for being present here today. For those of you who dont know me, my name is Mauri-Lynne, and Im Lionels daughter. Dad was devoted to every one of you. We all hope that youll share your memories of him with us, if not today consequently in the weeks and months to come. My mother was committed to the practice and preservation of Jewish life. His religious beliefs informed everything he did. Particularly fond of traditional music, he and I washed-out many hours listening to the treasured recordings hed collected over the years. We spoke regularly about our spiritual and communal responsibility as Jews, particularly our responsibilities to G-d.Jewish mystics apologise that before manifest creation, everything that ever would be was contained within the Creator as pure potentiality. This field without end created vessels through which its divine vigor could pass and differentiate, distr ibutively representing a specific attribute, such as wisdom, compassion, kindness and strength. The energy being transmitted was so powerful that the vessels shattered. It is said that some of these shattered pieces of divine energy fell to earth as sparks where they have remained all these eons.He and I believe that one of our primary responsibilities to G-d is to repair the world. In Hebrew, we call this process tikkun olam. We progress to this by performing prescribed mitzvot or good works. We believe that every mitzvah or honorable act, raises those divine sparks. Traditional teachings state that when the repair is complete, we guide in the Messianic Age. Of the many mitzvot, performing acts of loving-kindness, or chesed, is considered one of the most important. No one understood this religious obligation more clearly than my father it was one of his primary life directives. Each of you is here today because youve experienced my fathers kindness, concern and generosity in some way. Several months ago, when I couldnt sleep, I morose on late-night TV and watched the songwriter/singer, Billy Joel, entertaining a college audience. Someone asked about a particular song, and he answered it was written in response to a question his young daughter had asked about death. She wanted to know where people went when they died. He answered that they go into the hearts of the people who loved them. Just look into the eyeball of the people sitting all around you.
Subjugation of Women Exposed in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club :: Joy Luck Club Essays
Subjugation of Women Exposed in Joy Luck Club Is it fair to judge someone by their sex? In traditional Chinese culture, many judgments were made about a person just by observing their sex. The women was looked upon as an inferior being. They had detailed or no status in society, and little was expect from them. They were discriminated against when they tried to stand up for themselves. Chinese culture was customarily male dominated. The male was expected to do most of the work, and the woman was expected to stay at home with their mouth shut. This custom leaves an unwelcome feeling in a womans heart. They feel akin nobody cares, and it makes it much harder to live with an optimistic view on life. In the novel, The Joy Luck Club, by Amy Tan, Ann-Mei Hsu, Lindo Jong, and Ying Ying St. Clair are all women who grow up in a traditional China, where there is sexism. They deal with serious problems that corrupt their lives. Through perseverance and the passing of time their lives return to normal. Ann-Mei, Lindo, and Ying Ying subjugated by males because of their sex, and Chinese tradition. Ann-Mei is suppress in many ways. Her mother is invited to spend time at the home of a wealthy merchant named Wu Tsing. During the night he comes into Ann-Meis mothers room and rapes her. Despite emotionally scaring Ann-Mei this demonstrates the lack of respect for a woman in China. Ann-Meis mother is forced into concubinage because of her lack of power as a women. She becomes the trine wife. As a third wife she maintains very little status in the home of Wu Tsing. Ann-Meis family disowns her mother because by becoming a third wife she has brought shame to her family. When I was a young girl in China, my grandmother told me my mother was a ghost. Ann-Mei is told to lead about her mother and move on in her life. The fact that Ann-Mei is told to forget her mother because she has become something she could not control, is preposterous. She was raped an d forced into concubinage. The lack of appreciation for a female causes this feeling of shame for the Mei family. Since rape and polygamy is accepted in China, it makes it appear that what Ann-Meis mother has done is wrong, and what Wu Tsing did was right or normal.
Wednesday, 29 May 2019
Revolution Girl-style Now! Essay -- essays research papers fc
Revolution Girl-Style Now scream Grrrls were originally born out of the Punk scene where rebellionwas expressed in attitude, appearance, style, and medical specialty. Defining disintegration Grrrl ismuch like defining Punk. There is no central organization, no authoritivedefinition, just an attitude concerned with pointing out social hypocrisy andempowering race to do it yourself, creating a culture of their own when theysee that the mainstream media does not reflect their concerns or provide outletsfor their efforts. Riot Grrrl is a supportive environment for girls and youngwomen which is concerned with womens rightist issues such as rape, abortion rights,bulimia/anorexia, sexism, sexuality, double standards, self-defense, fatoppression, classism, and racism. Riot Grrrl is a network of fanzines that areproduced by the angry girl revolutionaries who identify with the music that isassociated with Riot Grrrl. The fanzines, self-designed and self-written,uncensored and uninhibited photocopied publications, are often intenselypersonal. That personal outlet is translated to larger political action when thefanzines are available to the public, bringing people together for conventionsand other consciousness-raising activities. The ethos is about supporting eachother and empowering each other. In actuality, Riot Grrrl is a frame of mind.Its a way for them to come together in a common cause Revolution Girl-StyleNow. Since no specific person or people claim they created it, Riot Grrrl hasmeant galore(postnominal) things to many people. Most girls do not attempt to define it anymore.EVERY GRRRL IS A RIOT GRRRL. All you need is a healthy dose of pissed-of-nessat the sermon of womyn in our society. We are NOT all punk, all white, alllesbians, all musicians, all fanzine editors, all vegetarians, all victims ofabuse, all straight edge. There is no stereotypical Riot Grrrl. (Knight 9)The early Riot Grrrl scene was a loose-knit affiliation of feminist Punks,formed circa 1991 in Olympia, Washington and Washington D.C. The philosophy of do it yourself and you can do anything seemed to hire mostly to boys, whowere the ones making the music and dictating the styles. By the early 90s, moreand more girl bands started springing up, but ironically they found themselvesbattling sexism and discrimination within a motion originally based in aconsciousness about youth ... ...ther in acommon cause Revolution Girl-Style Now.BibliographyCarlip, Hillary. Girl place Young women speak out. New York Warner Books, Inc.,1995"Grrrls kick ass". Online. getable HTTP http//www. Micoks.net80/tiffani/girl.htmlHanok, Emily. The Girl Within. New YorkFawcett Books, 1989Knight, Zain. Luster fanzine. San Fransisco. Madhu.. "Riot Grrrl". Online.Available HTTP http//, Rachel. "I Am a Girl". Online. Available HTTPhttp//www. Pipher, Mary, Ph.D. RevivingOphelia Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. New York Ballantine Books,1995 "REVOLUTION GIRL STYLE NOW". Online. Available HTTPhttp//www. Sam."I AM XL & PROUD". Kingfish fanzine. SanDiego. Spirit. "What is a RiotGrrrl anyway?". Online. Available HTTPhttp//www. columbia.edu80/ril 3/music-html/bikini kill/girl.html "SoWhat the heck is Riot Grrrl?". Online. Available HTTPhttp//www. Wilson, Jodi.Crisco fanzine. San Fransisco.
The Hobbit :: Book Report Hobbit Essays
The HobbitBook ReportCHARACTER INTRODUCTION BILBO BAGGINS The Hobbit who led the Dwarves to the lonesome Mountain to reclaim their treasure from the calculus Smaug. He found the One recoil in Gollums cave GANDALF The Wizard that accompanies Bilbo and the dwarves on their quest. He is well versed in magic spells and often calls upon them to save his comrades. THORIN OAKENSHIELD Son of the King of Dwarves who were driven from the Lonely Mountain by Smaug. With the aid of Gandalf and Bilbo he seeks regain his treasure and the throne. When Smaug died he truly became King under the Mountain, though he was killed in combat in the battle of five Armies. SMAUG The dragon of the Lonely Mountain who hordes the treasure he stole from the dwarves of Dale. GOLLUM He is perfect example of the evil powers of the One Ring. He was natural a Hobbit but had the ring too long. It made him into a slimy little creature that only lives to possess the ring. BARD The archer who kill ed Smaug. He beam of light the dragon in the one part it had no protection. The towns people later considered him a hero. What the people didnt know it was Bilbo who discovered the weak spot in the dragons iron scales. BEORN An enemy of Orcs, he becomes friends with Bilbo and Gandalf. He has the ability to change forms from human to bear. It is he who determines the outcome of the battle of five Armies. STORY SUMMARYThe concur begins with Bilbo Baggins enjoying a pipe after breakfast. This is one of his favorite pleasures and he feels quite content in doing so. He is middle-aged, and resides in a clean warm delve in the ground.One morning Gandalf, a wizard stops by to chat with Bilbo. He informs Bilbo that he is looking for someone to go on an take a chance with him. Although Bilbo is tempted he declines, but not before inviting Gandalf for tea the next morning.The next day Bilbo hears his doorbell and he recalls inviting Gandalf for tea, but instead of the wizard at t he door, thither is a group of dwarves... thirteen in all.Thorin son of the dwarf king starts to outline a plan on how to regain the treasure stolen by the dragon Smaug.
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Spanish Civil War Essay -- essays research papers
Spanish Civil War(193639), military revolt against the Republican government of Spain, supported by conservative elements within the country. When an initial military putsch failed to win control of the entire country, a bloody civil war ensued, fought with great ferocity on both sides. The Nationalists, as the rebels were called, received aid from fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The Republicans received aid from the Soviet Union, as well as from International Brigades, composed of volunteers from Europe and the United States.The war was an taboocome of a polarization of Spanish life and politics that had developed over previous decades. On one side (the Nationalist) were just about Roman Catholics, important elements of the military, most landowners, and many businessmen. On the other side (the Republican) were urban workers, most agricultural labourers, and many of the educated middle class. Politically their differences often found extreme and vehement expression in parties su ch as the fascist-oriented Falange and the militant anarchists. Between these extremes were other groups covering the political spectrum from monarchism and conservatism through liberalism to socialism, including a small communist movement divided among pursual of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and his archrival, Leon Trotsky. In 1934 there was widespread labour conflict and a bloody uprising by miners in Asturias that was suppressed by parade led by General Francisco Franco. A succession of governmental crises culminated in the elections of February 16, 1936, which brought to power a Popular Front government supported by most of the parties of the left and opposed by the parties of the right and what remained of the centre.A well-planned military uprising began on July 17, 1936, in garrison towns throughout Spain. By July 21 the rebels had achieved control in Spanish Morocco, the Canary Islands, and the Balearic Islands (except Minorca) and in the part of Spain north of the Gua darrama mountains and the Ebro River, except for Asturias, Santander, and the Basque provinces along the north coast and the region of Catalonia in the northeast. The Republican forces had put down the uprising in other areas, except for some of the larger Andalusian cities, including Seville, Granada, and Crdoba. The Nationalists and Republicans proceeded to organize their respective territories and to repre... ...rovinces in the summer of 1937 and then Asturias, so that by October they held the full northern coast. A war of attrition began. The Nationalists drove a salient eastward through Teruel, reaching the Mediterranean and splitting the republic in twain in April 1938. In December 1938, they moved upon Catalonia in the northeast, forcing the Republican armies there northward toward France. By February 1939, 250,000 Republican soldiers, together with an equal number of civilians, had fled across the mould into France. On March 5 the Republican government flew to exile in F rance. On March 7 a civil war broke out in Madrid between communist and anticommunist factions. By March 28 all of the Republican armies had begun to disband and surrender, and Nationalist forces entered Madrid on that day.The number of persons killed in the Spanish Civil War can be only roughly estimated. Nationalist forces put the figure at 1,000,000, including not only those killed in fighting but also the victims of bombardment, execution, and assassination. More recent estimates have been closer to 500,000 or less. This does not include all those who died from malnutrition, starvation, and war-engendered disease.
Spanish Civil War Essay -- essays research papers
Spanish Civil War(193639), military revolt against the Republican government of Spain, supported by conservative elements within the country. When an initial military coup failed to win control of the entire country, a bloody civil war ensued, fought with great ferocity on both sides. The Nationalists, as the rebels were called, received aid from fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The Republicans received aid from the Soviet Union, as well as from International Brigades, composed of volunteers from Europe and the United States.The war was an placecome of a polarization of Spanish life and politics that had developed over previous decades. On one side (the Nationalist) were some Roman Catholics, important elements of the military, most landowners, and many businessmen. On the other side (the Republican) were urban workers, most agricultural labourers, and many of the educated middle class. Politically their differences often found extreme and vehement expression in parties such as the fascist-oriented Falange and the militant anarchists. Between these extremes were other groups covering the political spectrum from monarchism and conservatism through liberalism to socialism, including a small communist movement divided among pursuit of the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin and his archrival, Leon Trotsky. In 1934 there was widespread labour conflict and a bloody arise by miners in Asturias that was suppressed by man led by General Francisco Franco. A succession of governmental crises culminated in the elections of February 16, 1936, which brought to power a Popular Front government supported by most of the parties of the left and opposed by the parties of the right and what remained of the centre.A well-planned military uprising began on July 17, 1936, in garrison towns throughout Spain. By July 21 the rebels had achieved control in Spanish Morocco, the Canary Islands, and the Balearic Islands (except Minorca) and in the part of Spain north of the Guadarrama moun tains and the Ebro River, except for Asturias, Santander, and the Basque provinces along the north coast and the region of Catalonia in the northeast. The Republican forces had put down the uprising in other areas, except for some of the larger Andalusian cities, including Seville, Granada, and Crdoba. The Nationalists and Republicans proceeded to organize their respective territories and to repre... ...rovinces in the summer of 1937 and then Asturias, so that by October they held the totally northern coast. A war of attrition began. The Nationalists drove a salient eastward through Teruel, reaching the Mediterranean and splitting the republic in deuce in April 1938. In December 1938, they moved upon Catalonia in the northeast, forcing the Republican armies there northward toward France. By February 1939, 250,000 Republican soldiers, together with an equal number of civilians, had fled across the security deposit into France. On March 5 the Republican government flew to exile in France. On March 7 a civil war broke out in Madrid between communist and anticommunist factions. By March 28 all of the Republican armies had begun to disband and surrender, and Nationalist forces entered Madrid on that day.The number of persons killed in the Spanish Civil War can be only roughly estimated. Nationalist forces put the figure at 1,000,000, including not only those killed in contend but also the victims of bombardment, execution, and assassination. More recent estimates have been closer to 500,000 or less. This does not include all those who died from malnutrition, starvation, and war-engendered disease.
Monday, 27 May 2019
Horror Films
Movies have been growing increasingly more explicit for years. disgust films are no longer based on a cleverly written script with lots of twists and turns, but rather how graphic and twisted the images are throughout the word picture. Horror films are appealing to viewers for various reasons. In fact, according to some film critics, good horror films have particular characteristics. Maggie McCutcheon in overly Disturbing, Too Shocking, According to Olson, people particularly enjoy experiencing the end of their fear and terror.Once the fear and terror have ended, people feel better. And, according to Stephen King in wherefore We Crave Horror Movies, horror films can help us confront our fears, and help us deal with the bad side of ourselves. Given the wide transmutation of characteristics good horror films have, this paper will address two specific characteristics of horror films. One characteristic is visual images/suggestions that act our fears. Another characteristic is vit ality or strength of source of horror.In order to analyze the characteristics of horror films, I viewed Poltergeist, an early 1980s film about a family being haunted by earthbound spirits, and I also read four definitive articles about horror films. One characteristic of a good horror films is visual images/suggestions that symbolize our fears. Stanley J. Solomon in The Nightmare World claims the cinema of horror concretizes this nightmare world- our abstract fears of destruction and death.The Midnight visits of vampires, the laboratory induced reincarnations, the skull deformities, the murders in the fog these visual images of the genre may be the symbols of our fears rather than the psychological source of them, but the terror without a body is terror deprived of a means of menacing us. The movie Poltergeist sure as shooting has this characteristic. Examples of visual images from the movie is a scary clown that looks mean , sitting in the chair and has the ability to move , goe s under Robbies bed.A hand hit out of the TV also the gateway for the beast to reach carol Anne, parents later communicate with Carol Anne through the TV. Another image is a short tree outside the house making scary shadows every time it storms and also tries to eat Robbie. And in the closet there is a monster that takes Carol Anne and at the end of the movie the closet turns in to a Giant throat with a serpent coming out of it sucking the house in to the earth. So clearly the viewers can see the characteristic of isual images in the horror film Poltergeist. Another characteristic of a horror film is vivification or strength of source of horror. Stanley J. Solomon in The Nightmare World claims If the depiction of archetypal fears is one aspect of the genre, the process whereby these fears become dramatic incidents in a film reveals at least two other genre traits the degree of unpreparedness on the part of the endangered victim, and the vitality or strength of the source of horro r. The movie Poltergeist certainly has this characteristic.Some examples are a normal looking neighborhood, Tweety dies , Steven has a remote control war with his neighbor , Carol Anne answers the TV people questions, Diane mentions the swimming pussy what if Carol Anne falls in, the way the clown looks when its lighting in the kids room and when the Tree and storm clouds look and the hand reaching out from the TV, but unaccompanied Carol Anne sees it- rest of the family thinks its a earthquake and the chairs stacked up, out from the table , and Robbie utensils are bent.So you can definitely tell that Poltergeist has the characteristic in the film. In conclusion Poltergeist clearly reflects the characteristics of having visual images/suggestions that symbolize our fears and of allowing viewers a degree of unpreparedness on the part of the endangered victim. Based on my evaluation, I believe Poltergeist is a very effective horror film.In fact, according to Tim Dirks article states that horror films are generally set in spooky old mansions or fog shrouded, opaque locales, with unknown, supernatural or grotesque creatures, ranging from vampires, madmen, devils unfriendly ghost, monsters, even the unseen, diabolical presence of evil. This is the case with Poltergeist, and I think many people still like this horror film till this day.
Sunday, 26 May 2019
What is Hip-Hop?
Decades ago, strike was associated and characterized with baggy pants and loose shirts. Hip-hop connoted ones identity element and is also considered as a haoma of self expression. However, that connotation has evolved by means of time. These days, strike is not just mainly a self-articulation it is now more of a culture and a movement that focuses on music, fashion and self-articulation. During the 1970s, only several black radio stations played disco music which gave negative implication on Afri fag end Americans.Because of this, they reacted and responded by hosting block parties, which is usually comprised of disc jockey (DJ)a person who plays funk, disco and soul musicwithin their communities. A slim later, blame started to emerge in Bronx when a DJ named Clive Kool Herc Campbell utilized percussion break beats to craft songs derived from Jamaican dance hall music. Hip-hop, thus, started to flourish. Performers who spoke in sync with beat became known as emcees (MCs). Fe w of the famous groups in this matter are Afrika Bombaataa and the Zulu Nation (Coger, 2009).Afrika Bombaataa was the one who coined the term pat and gave rise to the appear popularity of the genre. According to Afrika Bombaataa, pat was derived from Lovebug Starski, a South Bronx disc jockey wherein he always says, hip hop you dont stop that confuses your body rock. Bombaataa started utilize the term by pertaining to ghetto-culture that emerged on the streets. Moreover, his concept of hip-hop covered urban street expression and attitude such as gestures, language and stylized vestments that were attributed with street culture (Reyes 47-49, 98).Nowadays, hip-hop has extended its meanings, definitions and characterizations. Hiphop, a word usually spelled as hip-hop, Hip-hop, Hip-Hop or Hiphop (HipHop), is a cultural movement than began in urban juvenility in New York, from primarily African American which further extended around the world (Hip Hop). Its emergence represents black youth organization, an illustration of a particular species of societal movement. Hip-hop, as a movement, needs to be discussed carefully because its depiction is occupied with style, performance, opposition, leisure, consumption, representation and entrepreneurship (Watkins 65).On the early(a) hand, hip-hop is also exemplified as a form of music. It is a billion dollar industry and one of the most renowned music genres in the world (Coger). It encompasses quaternity elements namely MCing, DJing, graffiti art and break dancing. Others consider beat boxing as its fifth element (Hip Hop). Since its acceptance and creation, hip-hop has conjured up its wonder by commemorating its origins and by maintaining its expression of social, policy-making and personal struggles (Rentas 2009).The aforementioned definitions of hip-hop can be traced from Bombaataa however it is not anymore applicable to the hip-hop acts of today because several famous artists do not anymore embrace hip-hop as a self-expressive message instead they frequently make up music for the sole reason and purpose of selling a commodity (Berky and Greer). Hip-hop, in another sense, is more than just a form of music. It is also considered as a state of being, a form of expression, spoken words, a mindset and a lifestyle. It is also a manner of articulating ones self by way of dress, language, writing, personality, attitude and behavior (Leslie).Hip-hop is a culture that materialized as a worldview among adults and youth born after 1965. It covers shared beliefs, practices and language, all of which are climb up together by a common appreciation for urban aesthetic. Hip-hop as a culture and worldview possesses two essential characteristics the urban youth aesthetics and urban youth experience (Ginwright 31). Hip-hop as an urban youth aesthetic is most distinguishable through its physical features that are articulated through music, language, clothing and art. It pertains to the visual and arti stic expression.On the contrary, hip-hop as an urban youth experience is molded by economic seclusion, poverty and struggle to make it out of the paraphernalia of ghettos. It validates and legitimizes the experiences of pain, hostility, fear, hope and love that have been overlooked in mainstream America for the urban youth. Thus, the relationship between black youth identity and hip-hop cannot be separated (Ginwright 31-32). Furthermore, hip-hop is regarded as a social movement. Social movement is generally characterized by sociologists as collective efforts that endeavor social change.However, hip-hop as a social movement follows different pattern because of three important considerations. First is its emergence as a movement which belongs in the field of pop culture, is a discipline not commonly considered as political and not generally recognized as capable of producing social change. Second is the fact that it is founded and patronized by youth and creative people, who are not ordinarily looked upon as interested in implementing social change. Lastly, it allows the participants to see themselves as part of a bigger society. Thus, it creates a sense of collective identity and organization.Hip-hop as a movement represents a different mode of intervention in the social realm (Watkins 65). If hip-hop is not acknowledged then as a movement that can make a change in the world, on the other hand, it is essential to look at it from another side. Today, hip-hop has revolutionized new genres of music, such as reggaeton, and has influenced the political system. One good example is when Kilopatrick, from a hip-hop generation, disappointed the Detroits current mayor Gil Hill. It is because the youths from the hip-hop generation have already grown and have already obtained the right and freedom to vote.Their voices have already begun to be heard in the political spectrum. During that time, the election is divided by generation gap that the candidates represented for. The victory of Kilopatrick illustrates the hip-hops power over the political arena in order to craft political changes, which for them are very important (qtd. Berky and Greer). Hip-hop is hailed for creating impacts on the society, especially to women of color. Hip-hop, hence, gives a space and outline for their lives. It can be sifted in their hair style, as well as in the way they run, pose, turn, talk and walk.Women has now influenced and affected most elements of hip-hop such as break dancing, poetry, MC, DJ, graffiti artists, beat boxing and pop locking. Hip-hop has also made its way on beauty pageants and top models just like how Tyra deposits UPN show, Americas Next Top Model, chooses two hip-hop fashion models in the previous two years (Leslie). On the other hand, hip-hop has been one of the sources of controversies. As such, it has already been blamed and accused of elevating violence, misogyny and homophobia (Hip-Hop Beyond Beats and Rhymes).Critics have also said that i t promotes rebellion and prostitution. Several hip-hop artists exploit women of color through their song lyrics which depict contempt of women (Leslie). Hip-hop is not just a style of fashion where the youth wears baggy clothes, tattoos or ghetto attires (Leslie). Hip-hop comes in many forms. It is a social movement because its members are youth of a particular community who expresses and articulates their voices and ideas through MCing, DJing, graffiti art and poetry. evening some of hip-hop forms have inculcated political activism within its tenets.Hip-hop is also a cultural movement because it mirrors the culture of a particular group during a particular time. It transpires in a community setting where youth creates a collective identity of the group and of the hip-hop culture itself. Nonetheless, hip-hop is a form of music. Nowadays, it is considered as one of the most well-known genres by marking a history in the music industry. Moreover, hip-hop is indeed an expression of one s self a form of articulating and expressing ones nature and character through hair styles, fashion, music, language and representation.
Saturday, 25 May 2019
Ministry of Manpower, Singapore
Brief Description of Ministry of Manpower EE4041 E-learning week assignment by LIU TIANCHI congregation Y15 As one of the Tripartite Partners in Singapore, Ministry of Manpower (MOM) plays the government role and aspires to develop a great body of work together with the other two partners, the subject field Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and the Singapore National Employers Federation (SNEF) which represent the employees and employers separately.The mission of MOM is to achieve a globally competitive workforce and great workplace, for a cohesive society and a secure economic future for all Singaporeans. To break it down into two parts MOM aims to empower Singaporeans so that they whoremaster realize their potential MOM also deals with and regulates the workplace so as to achieve a cohesive society. In order to achieve the mission, MOM is structured with divisions and statutory boards, both of which have certain specific responsibility.For example, Labor Relations and Workplaces b reakdown (LRWD) plays a crucial role in dispute settlement. Most of the time, the parties, unions and companies, mass settle disputes between themselves, as they know the issues well and would be in a good position to find solutions. If this fails, then conciliation by LRWD would electric charge in at the request of either party. LRWD or MOM receive and settle an average of about 300 disputes from the unionized sector for conciliation any year. This is an important pillar in maintaining industrial stability in Singapore.One example of the statutory board is Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board, which administers the CPF well known as a compulsory and comprehensive social security savings plan. Besides the regulation and administration responsibilities, MOM also provides services. For example The Work Pass Division facilitates the employment of foreign nationals in Singapore with a convenient application process. The foreign employees can find all information that they need to know before coming to work in Singapore from MOM website.Most of the application processes also take place online, which is very efficient. MOM has won many awards because of its great persona to the healthy tripartite relationship, which is the envy of many countries. Its worth mentioning that MOM once won United Nations Public Service Awards, which is the most prestigious outside(a) recognition of excellence in public service. As can be seen, MOM has its unique and important role in maintaining the healthy and striving workplace in Singapore.
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Hoyts Cover Leter
Manager Hoyts Cinemas Dear Sir/Madam, I am apply for you position as team member at Hoyts Cinemas, Broadmeadows. I believe I am the best candidate, as I not barely fill the stated requirements for the position but, offer to your company my talents, termination and keen interest in customer service. I have a very welcoming personality and a warm approach to not only my employment interactions but also my fellow employees. My former position as Crew Member at KFC had on the wholeowed me to display enthusiasm, persistence and attention to detail all qualities that I believe would be an excellent addition to your establishment.Achieving excellence in customer service and connecting well with clients has always been of high importance throughout my spring experience. I consider it necessary to build up a good rapport with all customers so that they enjoy their experience and have a go for to return. I hope to have the opportunity to prove that I am able to perform not only my set dut ies but to branch out, victimisation initiative and flexibility in other tasks. I endeavour to understand exactly what clients need and promote as much as is necessary without beingness overbearing.I am also familiar with Windows and Mac processing and have excellent written and verbal communication. I am available to work weekends and would be adroit to take on other days, if necessary. In writing this letter, I have attempted to convey my personality and expose strengths that are of use to your company. Actions however, do handle louder than words, and so I suggest a meeting, where you will better understand my inviting manner and hospitable nature. I am eager to meet with you so please, do not hesitate to call or email me. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
35 year old male rugby player Essay
Rugby chanceers exact to be very well built. They demand to be a mesomorph build ideally. They atomic number 18 in-between the mesomorph and endomorph on the scale, but should be a lot closer to the mesomorph than an endomorph. This means rugby players fatality to have broad shoulders, a muscular body, blind drunk forearms and thighs. They could also have some fat. In some counsels a lot of fat is swell because it is harder to be semid, but in another way it isnt very good because it is harder to run, and you get out of breath easier.Rugby is a contact tout and relies on aggression in some ways. To tackle someone in rugby you can take them out by their legs, jump on them, tug their clothes, just about anyway to get the roll really. This would suggest if a player is an introvert they would not enjoy rugby, because they would prefer to keep to themselves and avoid contact. A rugby player also cannot be acrophobic of the ball, or afraid of being tackled. They indigence to be quite brave. Also you need tom be able to communicate with your team.It is a team sport and needs the whole team to race together n order to be successful. If you are the type of person who cannot do this, you like to work and play on your own you would not be well suited as a rugby player. Rugby players also can get very soberly injured. Especially in scrums or when you are tackled. There is a lot of violence involved in rugby and injuries can be nasty. You need to be very careful and use some of the rules to help prevent injuries as Ive explained below.Injuries do happen and you need to take that risk What they need to work on/improve Rugby players need to improve certain things to maintain a high level of performance. These things could be This means that any fitness levels gained impart be reversed when you stop. To stop this from happening, you need to train every 2-3 days to keep your fitness level where it is. 16 year old gymnast Section 1-their needs, Gymnasts need to be extremely flexible and supple.They need to be in between a mesomorph build, and an ectomorph build. They would probably need to be slightly more mesomorph than ectomorph. This means gymnasts need to have muscle, but not too much and need to have very little body fat. A lot of muscle would be good in some ways because gymnastics is very demanding, and needs a lot of physical ability, especially for types of gymnastics such as the bars, although, gymnasts need to be very light and a lot of muscle could weigh them down considerably.Gymnastics contain a large variety of different skills, so gymnasts need to be skilled in lots of different vault of heavens. Although a lot of gymnasts do concentrate on a specific area. Gymnastics is mainly a solo sport, and this sort of sport is ideal for people who are shy, introverted, or people who just like being on your own, and like doing things your way without having to blaspheme on other members of a team to support you.You can also get quite badly injured in gymnastics, although probably not as bad as you could in other sports like rugby. You need to be very confident in your ability and very confident in your area before attempting the exercise. What they need to work on/improve Gymnasts need to improve certain things to maintain a high level of performance. These things could be General fitness. Gymnasts need a very high level of general fitness as well as a very high level of specific fitness.
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Destin Brass Products
Destin Brass Products Co. Case 1. Cost Material $22 Set-up constancy $0. 48 Direct Labor $6. 4 Machine dispraise (0. 2 hours per unit *$25 per hour of use) $5 Receiving and Material Handing (78% * $220000/4000) $42. Engineering (50%*$100000/4000) $12. 5 Packing and Shipping (73%*$60000/4000) $10. 95 Maintenance (7%*$30000/4000) $0. 525 Total Cost per Flow Controller $100. 755 2 Cost Traditional Revised ABC Set-up 16. 45% 71. 43% 71. 43% Machine Depreciation 16. 45% 7. 4% 7. 4% Receiving & Handling 16. 45% 19. 2% 78%Engineering 16. 45% 7. 4% 50% Packing & Shipping 16. 45% 7. 4% 73% Maintenance 16. 45% 7. 4% 7% 0. 4*4000*16/9725*16 = 16. 45% 12*10/168 = 71. 43% 0. 2 * 4000/10800 = 7. 4% 3. infra the traditional hail accounting system, the company allocated the total smash cost assigned to production on the basis of production-run labor cost. The unit labor cost of give ear controllers is $6. 4. The unit overhead cost allocated to it is only $28. 10. When using the revised cost accounting system, the company allocated the overhead cost based on simple machine hours.The machine hour of flow controllers is the lowest among the three products. So whether the company uses direct labor dollars or machine hours, the overhead costs allocated to flow controllers be relatively low since they consume less of this cost basis. When use ABC system, the company allocates the overhead cost on the basis of transactions. Among all the products, the company spends 78% of its receiving and materials handling, 73% of packing and shipping and 50% of engineering efforts on flow controllers.Since flow controller production use most of the transactions, the costs assigned to flow controllers are higher under ABC than they are under the traditional cost accounting system. 4. After using the ABC costing system, more overhead costs are allocated to flow controllers and less to valves and pump. Since other factors are stay the same, the net income for valves and pumps will increas e and the net income for flow controllers will decrease. Income does not change.
Computer Virus
Assignment on Public Speaking Assignment topic informative speech on Computer Viruses Submitted to Kanita Ridwana Lecturer Department of English Stamford University Bangladesh. Submitted by Mir Alim uz zaman ID. LLB 04206977 Department of Laws Stamford University Bangladesh submission date Teachers Comment & Signature COMPUTER VIRUS Good good afternoon everyone. Hoping all of you are well. This is the clock time to present my informative speech.For making a Digital Bangladesh, every citizen has to talented user of calculator and our authority has to calculatorize all sections of this country. But the major threat for using a reckoner is computer virus. Thats why I energise prepared my speech to inform my listening about it. Today I gravel prepared Four special points for illustrate a virus. a) What is a Virus? b) What Viruses dont do? c) How does Virus airing? and, d) How to stop a Virus intrusion? a) What is a Virus Computer viruses are programs written by mean p eople.These virus programs are located into a commonly used program so that program will run the attached virus program as it boots, therefore, it is said that the virus infects the executable file or program. Executable files include macintosh system files such as system extensions, INITs and control panels and practise programs such as word processing programs and spreadsheet programs. Viruses work the equivalent ways in windowpanes or DOS machines by infecting zip or exe files. A virus is electrostatic until you execute an infected program or application OR start your computer from a platter that has infected system files.Once a virus is active, it loads into your computers repositing and may save itself to your hard bear on or copies itself to applications or system files on disks you use. Some viruses are programmed specifically to damage the data on your computer by corrupting programs, deleting files, or even erasing your entire hard drive. Many viruses do secret c ode more than display a message or make sounds / verbal comments at a received time or a programming event after replicating themselves to be picked up by separate users one way or a nonher. Other viruses make your computers system behave erratically or clash frequently.Sadly many people who have problems or frequent crashes using their computers do not realize that they have a virus and live with the inconveniences. Though Viruses are really a threat for all computer users, it cannot be harmful in some points. b) What Viruses dont do Computer viruses cannot infect draw up protected disks or infect written documents. Viruses do not infect compressed files, unless the file was infected prior to the compression. Compressed files are programs or files with its common characters, etc. removed to take up less spot on a disk. Viruses do not infect computer hardware, such as monitors or computer chips they only infect software. In addition, Macintosh viruses do not infect DOS / Window computer software and vice versa. For example, the Melissa virus incident of late 1998 and the ILOVEYOU virus of 2000 worked only on Window based machines and could not operate on Macintosh computers. One further note-> viruses do not inescapably let you know they are present in your machine, even after being destructive. If your computer is not operating properly, it is a good practice to check for viruses with a current virus checking program.Lacking of proper association makes the virus more powerful and it helps to spread it in each file of a computer. c) How does Virus spread Viruses begin to work and spread when you start up the program or application of which the virus is present. For example, a word processing program that contains a virus will place the virus in memory every time the word processing program is run. Once in memory, one of a exit of things can happen. The virus may be programmed to attach to other applications, disks or folders. It may infect a network if given the opportunity.Viruses behave in different ways. Some viruses stay active only when the application it is part of is running. Turn the computer off and the virus is inactive. Other viruses will operate every time you turn on your computer after infecting a system file or network. We need to have proper knowledge, and stay safe from a virus. d) How to prevent a Virus invasion Some tips to prevent virus invasion are given below I. Load only software from original disks or CDs. Pirated or copied software is endlessly a risk for a virus. II. Execute only programs of which you are acquainted(predicate) as to their origin.Programs sent by email should always be suspicious. III. Computer uploads and system configuration changes should always be performed by the person who is responsible for the computer. Password protection should be employed. IV. Check all shareware and set free programs downloaded from on-line services with a virus checking program. V. Purchase a virus progr am that runs as you boot or work your computer. Up-date it frequently. Finally I hope everyone should be careful about viruses and enjoy a virus free computing. Thank you everyone. *Created by Alim Z Mir (optimist. emailprotected com)
Monday, 20 May 2019
On-The-Job Training at Max’s Restaurant Essay
The Bachelor of attainment in industrial Technology is one of the courses offered in the Palompon Institute of Technology requiring a one grade exposure of the student in their field of specialization in the industry.The Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology toilette complete the academic requirements if a student testament undergo a practicum or OJT. The practicum will be provided whether in public or private thus it provides the student an opportunity in the actual field of work I the preparation for their future work. The cooperating industry will provide the requirement skills and knowledge learned in school.Through observation in the actual work, the student will manufacture more competitive and efficient when they get a theorize in the future. The practicum also provides the student approximately important insights on management developed in modern science and technology used in advance countries.SummaryAs a student trainee, I need to do my best inspite of my shy ness, so that Ican be strong to face the challenges ahead of my work and maintain a steady-going on the problem(p) relationship with them. They oriented me somewhat the rules and regulation, safety guidelines, standard operating procedures. And they also taught us some(prenominal) tips on how to manage the restaurant properly.At first, I felt nervous in working with them. They come in me to my co-workers. At first I was so shy, but after a few days I was able to inject jokes with them. Im so thankful to my co-workers because they helped me in my works. In fact they told that they atomic number 18 just uniform me when they were starting their labor. They gave me advice and comforted me when Im sad.I was assigned at the kitchen surgical incision when the kitchen supervisor told me that I was to be in the pantry which will place foods and as well as portioning, tagging dates. I observed what they did everyday until I learned how to manage my own self. I very enjoyed working with the everyday. I am used to be friendly and nice to them. At first as a pantry, I was so slow in preparing food ordered and the kitchen supervisor advices me that I need to be fast in preparing orders. But still I did my job well in preparing food so that it will appear presentable and clean to the customers.My second assignment was in the Bar Station organizing and fashioning some dessert, drinks and another(prenominal)s. I really enjoyed when we have other functions such as parties and take outs. I enjoyed preparing foods for the customers and I experienced these every end of the month when we are having our inventories and quality assurance inventory and when MGP are to view the expired foods and services extended to the customers. And I observed also if employees are on the night term to serve the order of the customers. I did my job very well in this area. Overall, in my on the job training, I was so glad that I had my training at Maxs Restaurant because they were so go od to me. They helped me in my work. There were so many things that I have learned from them that I can use in my future job.Problems Encountered by the OJTHaving OJT is a big problem already for some students particularly those whoare taking it, because you dont know where will you be going to have OJT. And you will be the one to apply for a job in the restaurant or hotels unlike other schools their instructors will be the one to guide them to their prospective places for deployment aside from the endorsement letter.In my on job training its difficult for me to cope with the new environment especially they are kapampangans. Though in that location is a quotation we can please anybody but we cannot please everybody. Since we are in the kitchen we feel the imperativeness in handling some co-workers. We have to be unhurried according to kuya Chiefs, a regular employee. They were taught something about dealing with customers and co-workers. They taught me how to build confidence tha t I have now in treating different people. Being uncomplaining and understanding to co-workers and customers to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.My stay in Maxs Restaurant for almost five months was really enjoyable. I am glad that I was able to gain my first working experience from a prestigious restaurant.Conclusion/ RecommendationAs a college who will graduate soon, I must prepare myself to be a responsible person. One of my concern is to help students who are in the on the job training. And because my course is Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Foods, its cushy for me to cope with everything because it is related to my course. Having a work experience in an established and popular restaurant like Maxs, I have a closer look on how things work in a busy dinning, from proper food preparation to portioning vegetables, tagging dates and organizing bar. I have learned many good experiences for my training.I am sure many students liked me especially the BSIT- Foods will find that the training in a restaurant is worth rewarding. Based on my personal experience, I will recommend Maxs Restaurant as a good venue. Difficult from the start, but through hard work and patient are important virtues to improve ourselves.I kept these in mind and apply in fitly so that if ever I ventured in my own business I can apply everything I learned into use. Hopefully my business will prosper like Maxs.
Sunday, 19 May 2019
Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Essay
The play, devastation of a Salesman by Arthur Miller is a tragedy. It is about(predicate) an American family who cash in ones chips their lives masking their reality, which is filled with tension and instability, with the American vision lifestyle. The father of the household, William Loman, is the driving force behind fantasizing these illusions. Hence, in the play, we are faced with legion(predicate) incidences where false sensings occur and fall apart in the face of reality. We see evidence of this unmasked false percept in the situation where many, despite his ongoing boasting of being well liked, laughed at William. Although he made it seem as if he was of major importance in his workplace, the reality was that he was indispensable. Willy was free-base to be an adulterer dissolving any fantasy of a stable family. Bill Oliver, Willys boy punchers, past employer could not steady recognize Biff, after creating the figment that he was well favoured by him. Finally, antec ede his death, Willy prided himself on all the people who would show up to his funeral, however, no one but his immediate family and friends attended.At the start of the play, William comes home exhausted from his job. He confides in his wife, Linda that he no yearner feels to take long trips as he usually drives from New York to Boston. To enhance his quality of life and to resolve the problem of his exhaustion, he decides that he would request jobs that require him to stay in New York. He believes that this option can be easily made available to him as he thinks he is a valuable asset to the profession and that it owes a great deal to him. Ill come home with an advance and a New York job. He tells Linda this with assurance, right before he goes to see his boss. On the other hand however, a different regard is painted when he goes to his boss, Howard, to make the request. He is denied his wishes. Willy even tries to negotiate lower wages with Howard in attempts to crook him to conform to his desires but he turns his back on this plea as well. Howard goes on to further discredit Willy as he fires him from the job entirely. Howard tells Willy I come int want you to represent us Ive been meaning to tell you this for a long time.The wall of false adoration shatters as Howard uncovers how useless Willy really is to the running of the business. In the play, William emphasizes, in many instances, that he is well-liked and that he is one of a kind even though this is not the case. He goes to his grave telling the tale that people from all around bask and admire him. He drills this notion so far that he believes it himself. I am not a dime a dozen I am Willy Loman and you are Biff Loman. He even nurtures these thoughts into the minds of his children. And they hold out me, boys, they know me up and down New England.The finest people. And when I bring you fellas up, therell be open benne for all of us, cause one thing, boys I have friends. I can park my car in a ny street in New England, and the cops protect it like their own. However, Willys son Biff reveals to us that in reality, people in the business world hold no respect for him and image onto him as a joke and laugh at him. Theyve laughed at dad for years and you know why? Because we dont belong in this nuthouse of a city. In this situation we see where the false perception of Willy being well liked falls apart in the realistic world his son tries to live in where he can share the truth that he is laughed at.At the core of the American dream is the ideal, stable family unit Willy has failed in his attempts to achieve this. He has a supportive wife and thinks he has the perfect(a) sons as he covers up their faults and does not correct their wrongs, but instead makes excuses for them. However, we see that the family is in incident unstable as he is adulterous to his wife. Despite his attempts to conceal his relations with this mistress to portray a loving father and maintain, Biff finds his father in a hotel in Boston with her, when he goes to look for Willy after finding out that he has flunked Mathematics. This in turn deteriorates the once close-knit relationship that Biff and Willy had. Biff tells Linda, he threw me out of this house remember? Linda says, Why did he do that I neer knew why? And Biff replies, because I know hes a fake and he doesnt like anybody around who knows. The false perception of an ideal family falls apart when Biff discovers the truth about his father.In an attempt to turn a new leaf and make something of himself, Biff decides on a plan of action. He would go to his past employer, Bill Oliver, and ask for a loan to serve as start up capital for a partnership he would start with his brother Happy, in a sports clothing company. His motive for believing he would be funded is that he recalls Bill Oliver showing favour to him and shiny him anything he needed. When I quit he said to me, heput his arm on my articulatio humeri and he sai d, Biff, if you ever need anything, come to mehim anything he needed. Biff found out that Willy was an adulterous husband eliminating any possibility of having a stable family like they would have thought in the past. Finally, only Willys immediate family and friends attended Willys funeral although he spoke of many people attending and of him being so well liked by many.
Saturday, 18 May 2019
Coffee and Starbucks Essay
Transnational corporations film had a tremendous impact on the interconnectivity that among countries, corporations, and citizenry on a world(a) landscape. Fueled by capitalistic ideals of increasing profits numerous corporations have blow a fuseed there operations into the global foodstuff quad, some with much more success than others. One much(prenominal)(prenominal) transnational corporation that has embodied this pursuit of enlargement in domestic and extraneous markets for profit is the Starbucks cocoa Company.This federation, which sticks its roots in the opening of a single sell lieu in Pike place Market of Downtown Seattle in 1971, has been able to infiltrate into countless(prenominal) foreign domains and grow into a global powerhouse of the food and beverage industry with over nine megabyte stores across the globe straightaway in thirty-four countries outside of the Unites States.(Business Wire, 2005) Starbucks serves is an excellent specimen of a company that follows continual patterns of expansion flat correlating to maturationd access to foreign markets, and also the ability to nurture growth within these markets as comfortably as sack up access to sassy markets through the Market merging. In my research of this company and its raceway to globalization, I found that in ricochetation approximately certain aspects of the company were more readily available than others.For example, I found that I had more difficulty finding scholarly articles that dealt with the distinct channel strategies that Starbucks utilise in lodge to globalize, in that it became apparent that much of the information about the terms of their mergers and acquirements were not released or that the companies and business groups that they did so with had websites that contained no information in English.Interestingly enough, I found more of an copiousness of scholarly material on the homogeneous cultural impacts that Starbucks has had and how the spread of t he companys locations worldwide has been genuine by some cultures as the spread of Ameri screwing values. A bulk of my research findings came from business reports and releases about the company, which were useful in keeping accounts of how the company was able to infiltrate global markets and expand. The Website was a good commencement point for my research in that it provided points of interest about the company that I could research into greater situation in order to root out the bigger picture.In order for one to have a more complete understanding of how this company operates and how it has fuck off to succeed at a global direct, I will outline the companys geographic expansion in terms of its operations and issue second, I will explain the companys main motivation for global expansion as headspring as factors that had an effect on the expansion lastly I will detail the methods of expansion and production employed by the company. These will exclusively be discussed with in the time frame from portray day back to 1996, when Starbucks first became a global corporation. (Starbucks. com)Of the nine thousand locations Starbucks has worldwide, over two thousand of those are outside of the join States in thirty four different countries. (Sowa, June 2004) The expansion of sell stores into foreign countries began with a sound out venture with Sazabay Inc. in Japan in 1995, and then the eventual opening of retail locations within the country during the following stratum. (starbucks. com) This was the first time Starbucks ever set up operations outside of the US, and it was in the form of construction of the Starbuck brand retail store locations operated by a foreign company.Starbucks entered the eastern hemisphere Asian Market first, in countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and China, and concentrated on growth in these markets principally for the first few years of entering the foreign market. Eventually, Starbucks was able to brea k into other markets as well, such as Australia, London, and New Zealand amongst others year after year until its present standing of 34 countries in normality America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim with retail locations that exists today in 2005.(Business Wire, Feb 2005) Within these countries, retail operations were set up at first just primarily in areas with the densest population. (Ramsey, Mar. 1997) However, as the market for the Starbucks Brand continually increased, the locations throughout the countries would increase and fan out from the city centers. This can be seen in the example of Japan, whom after 5 years operations had opened 300 stores by the year 2000. ( The primary raw material that Starbucks purchases and uses in terms of production is deep brown garrets.Coffee beans grow in regions near the equator, where the climate is suitable to sustain their growth. It follows that Starbucks purchases all of its beans from count ries in South America, Africa, and Asia. Coffee beans that Starbucks import come from regions near the equator, such as South America, Africa, and Asia (Starbucks. com).Basically, the beans that are grown in these countries are purchased by the company to be roasted or packaged in all of its 9000 locations worldwide. However, Starbucks is not the only buyer when it comes to the bean summate as numerous other coffee bean retail companies rely on these farms as well, which places Starbucks as part a modular model commodity chain. The production of a generic commodity such as coffee beans allows for that commodity to be purchased by numerous companies without any affiliation or indispensable interconnectivity between them.Starbucks reasoning for their initial expansion domestically in the United States as well as into the foreign Market place was centered on the basic capitalistic need for increase in profits, as well as the promotion of free trade from a neo-liberalist standpoint. Looking back to Starbucks early domestic expansion, it can be noted that just prior to addition of retail operations in Japan in 1996, there had been signs of a retraction of sales events and growth, even with the addition of new retail locations domestically in the United States.There were signs of slowing in the US, one such organism that comparable store sales, up 9 percent in 1995, were up 7 percent in 1996 and 5 percent approaching the following year. (Ramsey, Mar. 1997) These numbers indicate that it was becoming evident that in order to go on sustain growth and high profit margins Starbucks could achieve gains and benefit from free trade by setting up operations abroad. There are certain social contexts which provide commentary on the manner in which Starbucks was able to globalize.Especially that of the companys abilities to access markets from cultural and political standpoints. In order to bridge the culture gap between markets, Starbucks must follow three basic step fi rst, it must engage in prospecting the local culture and its nuances second, it must access the market conditions and the potential resolution to their strawman and lastly they make or dont make the decision to mobilize (Santos 2004). every last(predicate) this is considered with the fact that they are marketing a product in not only the coffee just now in the retail location itself, in that Starbucks attempts to blend an Italian style beverage with a super European influenced coffee house setting (Santos 2004), which is something that has to be marketed correctly in order to effectively find its niche in a foreign market setting. This marketing schematic sheds light on the break up in placing global operations in East Asia in the late 90s beforehand breaking into the European market due to a feared negative response to an American global presence in what had always been a highly saturated European local market.There was also a strong potential that the War in Afghanistan and later Iraq would have a devastating effect on growth and sales in the foreign market. There were some signs of this seen in April of 2003, when Starbucks was being heavily protested and boycotted in Lebanon and New Zealand, and was forced to pull operations out of Israel for fear of terrorist attacks.Despite these setbacks, however, it remained that Starbucks International persevered in revenues, fit in to Greg Schroeder, a research analyst with Fulcrum Global Partners LLC, who stated Starbucks popularity persists even in an economic downturn and during the struggle is an undeniably impressive feat as other retailers are struggling. (Jung, 2003) Starbucks maintained strong development during this period, and continue to open stores and form partnerships in Turkey, Chile, and Peru ( despite facing political tensions created by Starbucks national affiliation with the United States.Market access brought Starbucks to the foreign domain but how they were actually able to break into these markets came in the form of some key business strategies. Starbucks used a few basic strategies in order to gain access to a particular foreign market which was juncture ventures, acquisitions, and licensing. Two specific examples include Starbucks acquisition of the Seattle Coffee Company in the United Kingdom with more than 60 retail locations in 1998( , and the joint venture Starbucks formed with Sazaby Inc in 1995.The acquisition of the Seattle Coffee company basically allowed Starbucks to renovate each retail location previously owned by the company and to put the Starbucks name on each location as well. Another different but successful strategy employed in Japan was that of the joint venture with Sazaby Inc. This partnership gave Sazaby Inc. the right to develop and operate coffeehouses throughout a defined region.The rationale idler both of these types of partnerships is explained by Peter Maslen, president of Starbucks Coffee International, who states, The idea is that an experienced local partner can help identify locations, sift through tax issues, and give Starbucks stores more community appeal. (Jung, Apr. 2003 p. E1) This allows Starbucks to continue to expand into other markets knowing that operations elsewhere are in the hands of carefully chosen partners and business groups who are able effectively read and access the climate of their targeted regions market.The employees, CEOs, and other workers all have an integral part in this corporations ability to globalize. Starting at the level of both full as well as part time employees which facilitate the day-to-day functions of the retail locations in each of the 34 countries that Starbucks operates in, we can see that they receive a fair amount of benefits including above-average hourly-wages, a comprehensive health benefit plan, and stock options. (Sancovich, 2002) Increased development and growth will fair well for those with stock in the company, including emplo yees at the retail level.If the scope is broadened however, a very large gap exists between employees at the corporate level and those who produce the raw materials(coffee beans) that the company modulates into packaged or roasted coffee sales. It should be noted that Starbucks prides itself on the sale of passably Trade Coffee in its stores to benefit the farmers that supply their coffee beans, which certifies that growers and farmers would receive a premium price above the prevailing market price for the sale of the coffee beans they produce (Starbucks. com).It should also then be noted that, according to an author in the ecologist, Starbucks advertises the fact that it bought 1. 1 million pounds of coffee last year at fair trade prices ($1. 27 per pound). This represents less than 0. 5 per cent of the coffee Starbucks buys each year. Fair trade is also highly profitable. While Starbucks pays $1. 27 per pound for fair-trade coffee, one pound of that coffee sells for $11. 45. That s a 90 per cent mark-up (The Ecologist, Vol. 33, p. 22, 2003) The fact that Starbucks buys Fair Trade coffee in actuality does little to benefit the farmers who grow their beans.Another notable feature of the kinship between the owners, employees, and farmers is the overall dissimilarity between employees at the corporate level and those employed to grow coffee beans, Millions of coffee farmers survive on less than $2 a week. Orin C Smith, Starbucks president and CEO, was paid $1,088,269 in 2002, and received a bonus of L1,362,500. Exercising share options in the company made him a further $36,321,643. He stands to make around $8. 5m more on share options granted in 2002.(The Ecologist, Vol. 33, p. 22, 2003) The economic disparity between wages is a direct result of the practices Starbucks engages in, such as markups. The farmers, as well as the retail employees would gain from the continued global development of the company, in that higher demand for coffee would increase the pri ce of coffee for farmers and stock options would benefit regular employees, but would do so to an exponentially small degree than the employees at the corporate level of operations.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Maruti Suzuki Company Profile
Organisational Profile of Maruti Suzuki About us Maruti Suzuki India Limited (MSIL, formerly named Maruti Udyog Limited) is a subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation, Japan. MSIL has been the leader of the Indian car market for oer 2 and a half decades. The c every last(predicate)er-outs two manufacturing facilities be located at Gurgaon and Manesar, south of New Delhi. novelly, the company has an nonced a further investment of Rs 1,700 crore (Rs 17 billion) for enhancing the ingatheringion power by 250,000 units annually. The CAGR all over two historic period is 27% for net sales.Nature of the Company Ownership Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Is a public limited company and is listed on Bombay Stock Exchange Limited and National Stock Exchange Limited. SMC is the majority shareholder with 54. 21% honor stake in the company. Shareholding Pattern of the Company Our Vision The Leader in the Indian Automobile Industry, Creating client Delight and Shareholders Wealth A pride of Indi a. We believe OUR CORE VALUES drive us in every endeavor. * CUSTOMER OBSESSION * FAST, FLEXIBLE & FIRST MOVER INNOVATION & creativeness * NETWORKING & PARTNERSHIP * OPENNESS & LEARNING Quest Unlimited After 25 old age of leadership, what next? It is not for us to predict the future. Other than to say that the Quest is unceasing. We continue on our journey, unremitting and without distraction, avoiding complacence and flamboyance, to explore newer frontiers, strengthen and expand partnerships, connect with the layers and layers of a still larger world and constitute ourselves deeper in the lives of people. Success Mantra Success in this business, we said, asks for Stamina and Patience, Order and Creativity, Skills hard and soft and it ineluctably all of them to Co-exist in the Right Proportion. We follow the natural low of 3G Give is the route to Get and Grow. CORPORATE tuition Board Of theater directors Mr. R. C. Bhargava, Chairman Mr. Shinzo Nakanishi, Mana ging Director and CEO Mr. Tsuneo Ohashi, Director and Managing administrator Officer ( doing) Mr. Shuji Oishi, Director & Managing Executive Officer (Marketing & Sales) Mr. Keiichi Asai, Director & Managing Executive Officer (Engineering) Mr.Manvinder Singh Banga, Director Mr. Amal Ganguli, Director Mr. D. S. Brar, Director Mr. Osamu Suzuki, Director Ms. Pallavi Shroff, Director Mr. Kenichi Ayukawa, Director Contact us Head Office Maruti Suzuki India Limited 1, Nelson Mandela lane, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070 Board no. 46781000 Fax 46150275-76 Gurgaon Plant Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Gurgaon Plant Old Palam Gurgaon Road Gurgaon 122015 Tel (0124) 2346721 Manesar Plant Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Manesar Plant Plot no. 1, configuration 3A IMT Manesar Gurgaon 122051. BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS Companys Snapshot Above 50% market share in rider cars and van type Vehicles for all 25 historic period * Over 7 million cars produced & exchange cumulatively * Over 500,000 cars exp orted cumulatively * 1st in customer satisfaction for 9 consecutive years J D power CSI survey * One million units/ annum total capacity * Gurgaon facility capacity 700,000 units/ annum * Manesar facility capacity 300,000 units/annum * Over 7,600 employees on its rolls. * 681 sales outlets in 454 cities * 2767 workshops in 1314 cities * 315 pre-owned car outlets in 181 cities Recent AWARDS Indias Most Trusted shop 2009 The Economic times Maruti Suzuki has been be Indian most Trusted Brand by Indias leading Business newspaper The Economic Times. This prestigious accolade comes alongside companys 10-year long retinal rod position in customer satisfaction surveys. 2000-2009 JD Power Customer Satisfaction Index Award India The biggest project for the past ten years has been the award for highest recognition by the customer. In 2009-10 again, for the tenth consecutive time, Maruti Suzuki ranked the highest in JD Power Customer Satisfaction Index.Other Accolades During 2009-10, th e company, its products and go received reputed awards and accolades instituted by independent expert groups, media houses and enquiry agencies. These include * Ritz Hatchback of the year * Ritz Car of the year * Maruti Suzuki as the Manufacturer of the year by CNBC Overdrive * In the Worlds Most Reputed Company Survey 2009, Maruti Suzuki ranked third amongst global car companies and 49 amongst all companies crossways all segments. * ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance Products The company has a portfolio of 13 brands and over 150 variants across Maruti 800, Omni, international brands Alto, A-star, WagonR, Swift, Ritz and Estilo, off- pather Gypsy, SUV Grand Vitara, sedans SX4 and Swift DZire and the newest entrant Eeco. Quality A product of poor quality requires repeated inspections, entails wastage in terms of repairs and replacements. Do it right first time, is the normal followed to avoid wastage. To ensure quality, robots were devices and deployed e specially where they reduced worker fatigue and were critical in delivering reproducible quality.With consistent improvements in the plant the company was able to manufacture over 600,000 vehicles in 2006-07 with an installed capacity of just 350,000 vehicles per year. Production Management System (PMS) PMS is derived from the basic Japanese principles of 5S, 3G and 3K. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concepts Maruti Suzuki has adopted a CSR policy, which serves as a guiding tool for the management and the employees in steering Maruti Suzuki towards long term keep up flexth in harmony along with the interests of the stakeholder.The role of the CSR department is to professionalize CSR activities in Maruti Suzuki and strengthen the mechanisms involving the activities. large efforts have been taken to contribute to society at large, through its corporate activities, especially in the areas of Road Safety and Vocational conducting. Maruti Suzuki has set up dedicated teams w ith requisite expertise to steer the social projects. Maruti whimsical School National Road Safety Mission Driving its message for road safety, Maruti Suzuki India Limited, unveiled a National Road Safety Mission programme in December 2008.Under the programme, the company will * Train 500,000 people in safe capricious in the next 3 years across India * enchantment utilizing the existing 4 Institutes of Driving Training and Research (IDTR) in Delhi, Dehradun and Vadodara and 61 Maruti Driving Schools across the pastoral the company will enter into partnerships with state governments for more IDTRs and with its dealers for more Maruti Driving Schools * Of the 500,000 people to be trained, at least 100,000 will be people from underprivileged section of society, who are keen to take private road as a profession. The company will continue to support to government and industry in their efforts for road safety Sustainability Approach In line with the global environmental concerns, we have identified the following taper areas with regards to the protection of environment and resources for the future generations. * CO2 emission reduction * Energy preservation * Water Conservation * Solid Waste Management * Material Usage and Weight reduction * fuel EfficiencyEnvironment Friendly Fuel Efficient K-series Engine Technology Maruti Suzuki recognizes global warming and climate changes as global issues, the effects of which are of concern both for the environment and human life. The challenge faced by the society is how to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Maruti Suzuki strongly believes that an investment in environment lucky products and manufacturing facilities is in the best interest of the society as well as the business.The last 25 years of our journey has reinforced the belief that environment friendly initiatives make products more acceptable to customers and help Maruti Suzuki gr ow profitably in every sphere. Since Maruti Suzuki started operations, conserving environment and natural resources has been an integral part of our systems and processes. The concept of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3Rs) has been our driving principle.This three pronged strategy or the 3 Rs has been promoted in all our manufacturing facilities, supply chain and logistics operations. Maruti Suzuki withal follows the Philosophy of Smaller, Fewer, Lighter, Shorter and Neater. This Philosophy has helped Maruti Suzuki in optimal utilization of resources and cost savings. honest Value Outlet Maruti True Value is India No. 1 organized pre-owned car brand. The companys service businesses include sale and purchase of pre-owned cars (True Value) and Maruti Finance.Unique advantages * Indias largest certified used car dealer network * 340 outlets in 197 cities and growing * All car related services under one roof * professionally trained manpower * Complete peace of mind These initiatives, a s well providing total mobility solutions to customers in a convenient and transparent manner, have helped improve economic viability of the companys dealerships Exports What do countries wish Poland, Finland, Iceland, Malta, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Algeria and Italy have in common?Maruti Suzuki cars ply on the roads of these countries, and whats more, they are soon becoming the alacritous selling cars in those lands. Maruti Suzuki exports, entry-level models across the globe to over 100 countries and the focus has been to identify new markets. roughly important markets include Latin America, Africa and South East Asia. The Company clocked its highest ever exports at 70,023 units, a festering of 32. 1% in the Fiscal Year 2008-09.
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Gambling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Gambling - strive ExampleRegardless of the consciousness, the practice involves some form of potential gain to the involved parties. Gambling defines a lame or a regard with uncertain result that aims at deriving a benefit. It involves parties that hold a bet over an unpredictable outcome, at a sacrifice, and the person who is favored by the games outcome benefits from the sacrifices at the expense of the other parties (Johnson, 2011).The first element of gambling is therefore populace of a game whose results are not known at the time of the parties entry into the gamble. The game each may involve the parties or may be independent in such a management that the parties are just but observers. An example of a game that involves the parties is a dice throwing game by the parties with a defined outcome as a win. The parties may also engage in a sport in which the winner of the sports becomes the winner of the gamble. Alternatively, it may involve a game that is being compete by different parties. An example is a competitive football match or tournament such the United States premier league or a game in the premier league. In any of the cases, the result of the game that determines the winner and the looser in the gamble is uncertain at the time the parties enters into the gamble and is unequivocal later (Johnson, 2011).Another essential element that defines a gamble is the associated reward that it involves. This is because its basis involves a bet in which a party relinquishes rights over a property. The property is then put under storage area with its possession determined by the outcome of the subject game. If the results favor a partys prospect in the gamble then he or she becomes the owner of the property that was put on the fussy gamble. Any other party who is not favored by the results of the game therefore loses their property in the game. This is the general rule of gambling that depends on lack to benefit a party based on taken chances (John son,
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
The Massive Modularity Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Massive Modularity Theory - Essay ExampleIt seeks to identify which humans race mental traits atomic number 18 evolved adaptations which pertain to products of natural or sexual selection. The main concept of evolutionary psychology is that the human mind consists of information-processing mechanisms which start out evolved through natural selection. These mechanisms are called adaptations that are functionally specialized to deal with problems in certain circumstances and environments, and therefore it must have specific and richly structured contents.1 This type of psychology has also been proposed as a metatheory not just of psychology but also of the fields in social sciences. Evolutionary psychology has also been said to be a predominant theory that has principles which are functional to all of the disciplines of social science. There have been studies that propose evolutionary psychology as the matrimony elements present in different fields. The evolutionary psycholo gys metatheory is consisted of chain of command in the aim of analysis.2 What programs the human mind? Why do thoughts and ideas differ from one individual to another? Is there a specific portion of the mind allocated for a particular action? The Massive Modularity Theory presents the argument that biologic systems are designed and constructed in a way that a person would need to have massively modular organization of the mind. In addition to this, it was also said that the human mind is a biological system and is complex so the human mind must be massively modular in its organization.3 This theory is further studied in this paper. Evolutionary Psychology In the past, the branches of social sciences and biology have different opinions towards the subject of how the mind works. With evolutionary psychology in place, connecting biological and social science ideas and theories is right away possible by providing conceptual analyses of specific questions analyses that move step by st ep and integrating evolutionary biology with psychology, and psychology with social and cultural phenomena.4 Evolutionary psychology is a method of psychology that studies the transmissible architecture of the human mind as a product of the evolutionary process. It is a conceptually corporate approach in which the theories of natural selection are used to produce hypotheses about the design features of the human mind.5 There are 3 levels of explanation in evolutionary psychology. In between levels, extrapolations can be made in between each level. These manipulations are made in order to get the stamp down results for various types of populations. The 3 levels are noted to be 1) adaptive problem, 2) cognitive program, and 3) neurophysiological basis. With these levels being set(p) down, the primary principle in the evolutionary psychology still remains to be the human consciousness being the corporal structure. In the modern times, the brain is being compared to the computer whe re there is a designated part or program for various functions and one would not over manoeuvre other programs for it to malfunction.6 It has been believed by evolutionary psychologists that there is a certain connection between adaptive problems and evolving structured mechanisms in solving the evolutionary process. During the time of Charles Darwin, people believed that humans are social animals and they learn from experiences and behaviours.
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13
Case Study ExampleWith the focus in increasing productivity and to meliorate cost efficiency, he has the duty to ensure that there is a proper customer service to close in more customers and retain them.High employee turnover can greatly affect businesses and can address to pocket-sized productivity levels. People should be allowed to work and in an event of bad conduct, the root cause should be known in good time and corrective measures taken before suspending or firing. Un-motivated worker may be unhappy with their job. They always feel overworked, under-appreciated and poorly paid and in turn. These can eventually lead to negative attitude and behavior towards work like those that were witnessed in Sally at her place of work. For the prudence to tactfully deal with her case, she should be informed of the organizations mission and target to be achieved in the best way finished the use of better communication skills. She should be given(p) a design job description to help h er know what is expected of her and what she is accountable of. Sally should get motivated by simply being allowed to contribute and bring new ideas for amendment to the table and to have input in the whole process. This brings a sense of ownership in the business. She should get enrichment in form of skill-building and training through workshops to let her work independently with less supervision.Good performance in an organization is based on the workforce productivity that ensures the employees work more efficiently and effectively to have the same results at the end. To improve the store performance, Bill should offer employees training to improve their knowledge and skills. Bill should ensure that he inform into his employees the knowledge of team discipline, to make them work as a group towards achieving the set goals. They should be given equipment and new technology to
Monday, 13 May 2019
Research the topic of Information Security Management from quality Paper
The topic of Information Security Management from quality - search Paper ExampleA large number of small-to-medium sized enterprises imbibe and are investing a substantial amount of capital and resources into their business to cement their place within the world of business (eCom Advisor, 2000). The in vogue(p) net workings technology not only helps them achieve this but also allows them to expand their business and upgrade their SME into a large enterprise. This paper would take a look at the surety threats that an SME faces online and its need of information security management to tackle these threats. ... This exposes their data to threats such as phishing, Trojans, spam and viruses. These threats could have a serious electric shock on the daily operations of the business being conducted. Moreover these threats can even sometimes have long term effects that hinder in the companys growth and become a reason towards the loss in the companys productivity (GFI software, 2009). SME s are usually restricted in terms of resources and finances. Any significant loss of data or leakage of secret information could deflower the entire business (GFI software, 2009). This means that data integrity is a vital component within a SME and can make or break its business. An effective Information security management allows businesses to implement respective(a) measures that would protect various data and assets that the business owns. Information security management not only allows an cheek to tackle security threats that it faces but also allows it to measure the impact the attack would have on the performance of the business (Alexander, Finch, & Sutton, 2008). Incident response management and disaster recovery Components of an hazard Before the discussion of an incident management system it is vital to understand what an incident is and what the components of an incident are. An incident is an event that occurs due to an exertion that is executed by a person or an ind ividual. Usually the purpose of these actions is to cause harm to the working of the system or to the data contained within the system. It is vital to point out here that incidents are a subset of events. An incident comprises of three components event, incident response team and incident investigation (Molino, 2006). An event is an activity that causes a deviation of the system from its normal working. An event is
Sunday, 12 May 2019
Being and Nothingness according to Jean-Paul Sartre Essay
Being and Nothingness according to Jean-Paul Sartre - Essay ensampleSartre explains that our perception of the external realness is absolute and pure. He also suggests that our perception of objects is of finite nature, and our self perceives them with the cooperate of the senses. He is of the idea that what we see in the outside world is what we know and what we get. In his philosophical supposition argues that the being in itself and being- for- itself are distinct aspects of this real world. Here being in itself are the unconscious(p) beings and being- for -itself is the conscious being. As per Jean-Paul Sartre, being in -itself is stable and isnt aware of its existence, whereas being for- itself is aware of its sustain consciousness. These both beings are distinct from each other and constitute the existence of the universe.Being in itself burn downnot change its hit with its own will as it does not have will or consciousness. However being for itself has separated will, awareness and chooses to act right or wrong. Anyway, Jean-Paul Sartre sees the being for itself as incomplete and indefinite, as it can go to any limit with its dynamic consciousness. This is what makes a valet undetermined, indefinable and conscious creature. Since for itself or a man in other terms is absent of a predetermined essence, it is intimidated or forced to take a crap itself from nothingness or voidness. According to Sartre voidness or nothingness is the very explainable characteristic of a charitable being.For example, a rock is a rock and can do nothing to change its shape or form. But in case of being for itself can change its shape, form and even decide what he wants to do or not do. A man has the power to act in this world, and also can interact with physical objects which are being in itself. We can see that a man is not simply being here in this world, but also is actuating himself with the power of consciousness and awareness. A man or a self can create a whole dynamic world of himself by perceiving the objects of the universe. His consciousness is of infinite power and this gives him the ability to perceive being in itself in a dynamic way.
Saturday, 11 May 2019
Marx's critique of capitalism is based on his theory of history Essay
Marxs critique of capitalism is based on his theory of biography politics and alienation - Essay Example in that respect atomic number 18 many of his works which seemed to be revealed as a result of his reactions on the growth of new argonas of political economy, which is helped by the laissez-faire theories of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and doubting Thomas Malthus. These theories intimated the extension of precisely the features of capitalism that was most defective in the views of Marx. Therefore his critique begins from attacks on the okay liberal bases analysis of capitalism to the very intricate analyses of economics and also of leading theorists. (Marxs critique of capitalism)Marxism is non a single theory but is found as a cluster of a hardly a(prenominal) similar related theories. There is an alternate style of how the Marxist theory of history is called. (Karl Marx Wikipedia) It is the historical materialism which is found on the views of Marx on people and what peopl e fundamentally are. Marxs theory of history originated from the thought that the way of society rise and fall and it further interferes in the development of human productive power. (Karl Marx Stanford encyclopedia of Philosophy) There is a common liberal whimsy that every individual gets the liberty to enter into all economic adaptations by ways of an equally beneficial contract. When Marx reacted to this, he remarked that men enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will, relations of production. (Marxs critique of capitalism) Marxs perception about this historical process is that it is a procedure through which the required series of ways of production rise to its highest point in communism. (Karl Marx Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy) Maxs analysis of history is focused on the differences that he saw between production bloods and the means/forces of production, much(prenominal) as technology, land, natural resources, which are essent ial for the production of natural goods. In other words it is the relationship that people enter into between their social and technical related matters while using the means of production. (Karl Marx Wikipedia) It was the belief of Marx that any phase of history which is based on an exploitative economic order sows the seeds for its own ruin. (Conflict Theory) It was nether the observation of Marx that any particular society changes its methods of production, and he also observed that the European society grew from a feudal mode of production to a capitalist mode of production. On the whole Marx believed that production changes more(prenominal) swiftly than the relations of production. For example, first the technology of say, Internet was being developed and only then was the laws that are relating to the technology were developed. Marx found this mismatch between this social construction and economic fundamentals as a primary source of social disorder and clash. (Karl Marx Wikip edia) It was Marxs view that it is through this economic fundamentals that the social and political conflicts take their roots, and hence the political theory should confine itself with the modes of production than getting into abstract thoughts such as liberty and justice. Hence it is found that Marxs major concern was on the structure of capitalism, which he found as the
Friday, 10 May 2019
Personal Finance- Heath insurance Research Paper
Personal Finance- Heath damages - Research Paper ExampleIt works together with SEHA, the national redress scheme to ensure right-hand(a) wellness services. The insurance being able to cover any hospital is essential in providing the citizens atomic number 18 satisfied with the services they get from hospitals all over the country.The scheme provides a mandatory wellness insurance for the people. It is key to ensuring the realization of Qatars vision 2030 when it comes to providing proper health care for its people (Pallot, 2014). SEHA came into existence when Qatar conjecture goals that would ensure good health care for its people and reduce the number of deaths caused by inadequate health care. The health care strategy seems to be working well for the people since its inception in the state of matter of Qatar.The network associated with SEHA includes both private and public health care providers. The people who are eligible to recital with the insurance get a list of hospit als and health care providers they can work with for the better health (Seha, 2015). The strategy of working with SEHA has provided excellent efficiency and transparency in the national health care sector. The archetypical stage of the scheme had its implementation in July of 2013.The best feature of the first stage is that it covered the health care of women who are 12 years and above to gynecology, maternal, prenatal and postnatal clinic for their children. Other health problems link up to women also receive cover in the first stage implementation of the strategy. The second phase of the study, inaugurated in April 2014 provides comprehensive insurance cover for all the Qatari citizens for all the fundamental health problems (Seha, 2015). Qatar is now at the forefront of the global initiative that calls for a comprehensive health coverage for all the people.The World wellness Organization is at the forefront in ensuring all the countries around the world provide national health insurance cover. The insurance cover for the people of Qatar through SEHA has
Thursday, 9 May 2019
Phase 1 - Concepts and terminology of statistics applied to business Essay - 2
word form 1 - Concepts and terminology of statistics employ to business decision-making 4-20 - Essay ExampleMean-the arithmetic mean (mean) of a ap specify of heels is the sum of all the members of the list divided by the pattern of items in the list. A genuine example of Arithmetic mean is average income. The arithmetic mean may be misinterpreted to imply that close to peoples income is higher than the case in fact is. In statistics, mean has two related meaningsMEDIAN-The median is the number which is in the exactmiddle of the data set. Literally, it is the value in the middle. The statistical median is the middle number of a group of numbers that have been arranged in order by size. If there is an regular(a) number of terms, the median is the mean of the two middle numbersIf there is an even number of terms, score the two middle terms and divide by 2. (Statistical Median). Mode means the number that appears the most often, if working(a) with only one variable. In statisti cs, mode means the most frequent value assumed by a random variable, or occurring in a sampling of a random variable. The term is applied both to probability distributions and to collections ofexperimental data.Range- It means the difference between the highest and the lowest value. The range is the continuance of the smallest interval which contains all the data. It is calculated by subtracting the smallest observations from the greatest and provides an indication ofstatistical dispersion. The mid range point is the half way between two variables. .Variance - In probability and statistics , the variance of a random variable, is a probability distribution , a measure of its statistical dispersion , indicating how its possible values are scattering around the expected value . Where the expected value shows the location of the distribution, the variance indicates the scale of the values. A more(prenominal) understandable measure is the square root of the variance, called the Standa rd deviation... For a population, range is more than twice the type deviation. Variance
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
Assignment 1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 14
1 - Assignment Example pertly Jersey comely sales evaluate plays a minimal significance as compared to the other nations as 0.0% indicates lack of topical anesthetic anaesthetic government participation in collecting sales taxes. However, the value of 0.0% in second-rate sales tax at the local level is also important in that it shows business are exempted from sales tax. Additionally, when considering the stir level average sales tax, it is shown that New Jersey is ranked 1st with 14.1% rate. This makes New Jersey really important in contributing to the topic sales taxes.Question 2 regard at the local property tax proportion. How important is the property tax to the cities and counties in your state more or slight important as compared to the average of all states? More or less important as compared to the 6 states weve looked at?New Jersey has proportional property tax of 55.1% as compared to the other states that do non exceed the 30% mark on the sale while it is more th an twice the national average of 26%. To the cities and counties within New Jersey, a 55.1% property sale proportion provides the maintenance of the cities and the county amenities and infrastructure. However, the mellowed property tax at the local level indicates mellowed rental rates or high acquisition of real estate establishment. In addition, the state level averages display an abnormal comparison when compared to the national average. The national average is 26.8% against the local level of 55.1%. In conclusion, the vast acquisition of property in New Jersey contributes the high rate of property tax at the local level.Question 3 Look at the spending on education at both the state and local levels for your state. Including both state and local levels of spending, consider the differences between your state and the national averages, and answer the following question is your state, taking into theme both state and local levels of spending, nearer the top or nearer
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