Saturday, 4 April 2020
Bit final proposal for school fees payment system free essay sample
School fees payment system is a software designed to assist schools as in providing automated, quick capture and retrieval of information regarding students payment of school dues. School fees payment system assists the finance body of the school to monitor and manage the student information regarding the fees details for convenience and smooth running of the school. INTRODUCTION This book presents the research carried out on how students can be served easily and faster as well as timely delivery of the required information by the school agencies. Our study found out that the management still uses manual systems to track payments made by students and this always creates hard time to get clear information about students who have or have not paid. Therefore we came out with a decision to bring up an automated system which can help them to do all their work easily and so fast. This report book contains five chapters and includes the following: Chapter one contains: Introduction, Background of the study, Statement of the problem, Objectives of the study, General objectives, Specific objectives, Scope of the study, justification/significances of the study. We will write a custom essay sample on Bit final proposal for school fees payment system or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Chapter two gives a description of related Literature about the effects of the tours and travels management system and International research on tourism and hotel management system Chapter three contains :methodology, Requirements collection and data collection techniques, examining documents ,interviews, system analysis and design, database design, dataflow diagrams, conceptual design, enhanced entity relationship diagrams, system implementation, mysql, php[hyper text preprocessor],system testing Chapter four includes: System design, Context diagram, Dataflow diagrams, Conceptual design, Entity relationship diagram, Relationships between entities and cardinalities, System requirements, System hardware requirements, Software requirements, Functional requirements, User requirements, System implementation, User interface screen shots Chapter five covers the Discussion, Conclusion, Successes of the system, and Failures of the system, appendices, and appendix a: questionnaire, appendix a ppendix c, appendix d Proposed System: The Project deals with the school management. It will be useful for their transactions. Earlier they used to maintain all the school records manually. By using this software they will make their operations very easily. The school bursar can guide students to know the total charges and the remaining amount in time. The school finance committee will manage the students and provide the information about the previous and current termly charges. This will make all operations of the school easier and accurate. CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION The introduction provides the foundation for the understanding of the problem under investigation. 1. 1: BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY The role of school fees management systems has received and continues to receive increasing attention from time to time. Proper management of the payments made by students promotes efficiency coordination among the stakeholders thus promoting development . To achieve these benefits, an effective system has to be selected and maintained for faster delivery of information and planning. However, many factors affect a school’s ability to choose the right applications. This explains why there is need to follow a certain criteria when selecting the appropriate software. Some of the factors to be considered include trust and commitment, experienced users, creativity and innovation, compatible hardware and software, cost of development, degree of interaction between the user and the system, and the physical appearance of the interfaces. The case study for the topic will be St Mary’s college Rushoroza. 1. 1. 1: BACKGROUND OF ST MARY’S COLLEGE 1. 1. 2: ORIGIN St Mary’s college was started in 1970 under the foundation of _____. From time to time, the school has expanded with a population of over 1500 students at present. The school is mixed with both O and A level dealing in the provision of education to students in western Uganda, Rwanda, and some parts of Kenya. 1. 1. 3: GOAL To create a system in that will facilitate storage of information about fees payment by the students for proper management of the school. 1. 1. 4: VALUES Integrity, Team work, Quality and Innovation. 1. 1. 5: VISION To produce a computerized system that will assist in differentiating the students who have cleared and those who have pending school dues. 1. 1. 6: MISSION To promote accurate and efficient capture, retrieval and analysis of student payments. 1. 2: STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM To establish a system that will enhance quick delivery of the required information regarding fees payment in the school. 1. 3: PURPOSE OF THE STUDY To get to know the criteria followed when storing and retrieving information about fees payment in the school. 1. 4: OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To get a clear understanding of the difference between the existing manual system and the desired one. 1. 5: SCOPE OF THE STUDY The field research is estimated to cover a period of 3 months. The area of study will be in Kabale at St Mary’s College which is a secondary school. 1. 6: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study will help us to compare the difference between the existing manually based system in the school and our computerized system to be developed with the aim of meeting the school requirements. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter attempts to bring out other researchers work which is referent direct or generally related to the present topic. 2. 1: THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY IN UGANDA INTERVIEW OF SEBAGGALA M. KIGOZI IN THE INDEPENDENT OF MONDAY 14TH OCTOBER 2013 14:36 Sebaggala M. Kigozi who is the executive director of UMA which brings together manufacturers and industrialists in Uganda. He spoke to the Independent about the sector. He had this to say about the manufacturing sector of Uganda today, ‘The sector is a fast growing one. Over the last couple of years, Uganda’s manufacturing and industrial sector has positively grown from 8. 9% in 2007 as percentage share of Uganda’s GDP to 26. 1% based on data released in February 2012. On the ground, the factories are growing, there are some which have tremendously expanded for example those that had one line are having more than one which is a sign that things are good. Therefore, this shows a tremendous improvement as compared to other sectors of the economy. Our role as UMA is to promote and protect the interests of manufactures and industrialists in the country. This mainly involves policy analysis, research, lobby and advocacy, favorable legislation and review as well as advisory services to government, its agencies, parliament, local government and any other institution or authority where it’s necessary. We make sure that people in this area of production have a condusive environment. The challenge that manufactures face may not be called the challenge per say but constraints that affect the pace of growth and development of the manufacturing and industrial sector in Uganda. These include both Non- Tariff Barriers (NTBs) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBTs) ranging from; the hiked energy tariffs by roughly 70% in 2012, the unreliable supply and low quality energy, the slow pace of development, harmonization and adoption of products and service standards, the high taxes levied on some of the items deemed as machinery, raw materials and spare parts, high fuel costs for transport as well as high fuel rates with no duty waiver for industrialists using generator sets, multiple levies by the various local governments in which the manufacturers and industrialists operate or supply goods and products, the low status/ grade of the feeder road networks that promote supply and distribution, low demand for goods caused by high poverty levels and a big unemployment rate, limited skilled labour to run the machinery. CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY This states where, why, who and by whom and how the study is to be conducted. This chapter will give the study area research design, sampling methods, procedures of data collection and analysis methods. 3. 1: RESEARCH DESIGN Data will be collected by the use of descriptive and analytical design. 3. 2: STUDY AREA The area of study will be St Mary’s college Rushoroza. 3. 3: STUDY POPULATION The study will be carried out among the staff, students and top management members of St Mary’s college. 3. 4: SAMPLE SIZE The study will cover a total population of about 40 people who will be selected randomly. 15 of them will be the employees of the company (St Mary’s college), a few students and the rest will be members of the evaluation and contracts committee of the school and top managers. 3. 5: SAMPLING PROCEDURE The researcher will use the introductory letter issued by the Department of Information and Communication Technology of Kabale University (KAB) to access different respondents. In carrying out personal interviews the researcher will employ random sampling. This will be applied among the beneficiaries of the services provided where the respondents from different departments in St Mary’s college will be picked without any pattern to give out the relevant information. Selective sampling will also be applied where the researcher will carry out key informant interviews among the service providers and the stake holders like contract and evaluation committee members to get the required data. 3. 6: DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURES AND INSTRUMENTS Data will be collected by the use of both primary and secondary data sources. Primary data picks information which does not exist in companies, library, print media and other sources of information. Secondary data is data collected from the works of others. The methods or tools the researcher will use are; Documentary analysis, Personal interviews and Key informant interviews. 3. 6. 1: DOCUMENTARY ANALYSIS With the documentary analysis method, the researcher will visit what has already been written down in the books, newspapers, internet to get information. 3. 6. 2: PERSONAL INTERVIEWS It is a method of data collection that is used in society today. It involves the use of questionnaires. It is guided with a questionnaire that is composed of a set of questions. It involves the use of written questions to which respondents individually respond to in writing. This method is advantageous in that it distant respondents can be use, there is no bias from respondents and they have enough time to think about the answers. 3. 6. 3: KEY INFORMANT INTERVIEWS An interview is a dialogue between interviewer and interviewee in an organized manner or conversation aimed at gathering information (data) about a particular topic from a person of authority from that field of study. This technique involves face to face interversion and collects first hand information. The responses from interviewees will be recorded and then analyzed. This technique will require a researcher to ask questions guided by an interview guide or interview schedule. 3. 7: DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION Data analysis is a process that brings order into data collected in a way which will enable the researcher make sense of the data collected. Quantitative data for each response given will be provided in frequency table, graphs, pie charts and percentages calculated to enable interpretation become meaningful. Qualitative data will be analyzed by attracting codes to classify response and avoid ambiguities cumbersome and lengthy data. In this study, analysis will be heavily shaped by theoretical framework within which the study will be conducted. 3. 8: EXPECTED LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Being the first research, the researcher will lack experience and skills in research methods. This will make the whole activity very slow and tedious. The researcher will overcome this by the help of the supervisor who will try to advise and direct her. The researcher may face financial constraints as research projects are poorly funded by educational institutions and sponsors like parents. Limited literature sources are another problem the researcher may face. This may occur when the researcher is trying to penetrate some agencies in order to access documents that may be very essential for the study and even when carrying out key informant interviews. Failure to tress respondents will be another problem in that they are from different places and have a busy working schedule. Time will also be a limiting factor to the researcher. Being a partial fulfillment of the entire program, the time allocated will be limited to allow an extensive investigation that is carrying out interviews, complying the data, analyzing it and finally complying a report.
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