Tuesday, 28 January 2020
The Vital Capacity Test In Football
The Vital Capacity Test In Football Football has become a sport that interest by all population in this world. To play or become a good football player, the person must master many skills and have a healthy physical and mental. Football players also must combine speed, strength, agility, power, and endurance as basic qualities before the individual skills inherent to the playing of soccer can be utilized and depend on the position such as defense, strikers, midfielder and goal keeper. The understanding of the physical and the mental demands of the sport will enable a more scientific approach to the training of soccer players by (Bell and Rhodes 1975; Caru et. al. 1970; Fardy 1969). Football is one of the sports that need high intensity of workload or physical activity, for example the combination of walk and repeated sprints need sufficient recovery between activity. Stated by (Nicks et. al. 2006) and Romer et.al. So the player must have strong muscles, high muscular endurance, have strong core and have high level of aerobic capacity because the football game are played for 90 minutes. So the training must contain high aerobic training to improve cardiovascular and pulmonary functions so the athlete can cope with the sport. Physiological assessment of athletes can provide an opportunity to examine or test the adaptation to specific types of exercises and training. These adaptations can be valuable to the clinician, coaches and athletes themselves. For example, lab test that can be proceed to examine the adaptation to specific types of exercises and training. To test the adaptation to the lung we can use pulmonary functions test to examine the effectiveness of lung muscles functioning, to check the vital capacity and to estimate the lung volumes. The function of the lung is to deliver O2 to gas exchanged surface and exhaust CO2 to atmosphere. To achieve this with brain functioning normally, breath begins with contraction of inspiratory muscle enlarging the thorax, lowering intrathoracic and pleural pressures, enlarging the alveoli and airways, expanding the alveolar gas so reducing its pressure below atmospheric. Air at atmospheric pressure must flow into the thorax where it is conducted to, and diffuses, out into the alveoli. The carriage of air through the airways depends on the patency of the tube as well as on the consistency of the lung and the power of the respiratory muscles. At any one moment approximately 100ml of desaturated blood, with a strong affinity for O2, is spread over an area of 70 square meters( area of pulmonary capillary bed ) separated from air by a membrane 0.2 micron thick. Oxygen from alveolar air diffuses rapidly across the alveolar capillary membrane and is finally chemically combined with hemoglob in molecules within the circulating red blood cells (RBC), CO2 diffuses into opposite direction and is eliminated in expired gas. The Vital capacity test is one of the oldest and most common respiratory tests. The measurement of vital capacity (VC) simply requires that an individual blow as large a breath of air as possible into a spirometer. Thus, the person expels three of the four components of the total lung volume when performing the vital test. There are inspiratory reserve volume (IRV), tidal volume (TV) and expiratory reserve volume (ERV). It provides an indirect indication of the size of the lung, although it is not a complete measure of the entire lung size because it does not account for residual volume. In general facts, vital capacity relate to three uncontrolled characteristics which are age, stature and gender. Lung function measurements also may be made for several reasons. They are useful in describing the lung for diagnostic purpose and subsequently in monitoring change. Accuracy and consistency are therefore very important, and a convention exists for the procedure of measurement and expression of result. In general, a measurement will only be accepted after multiple attempts have been scrutinized and expressed under standard conditions. These are usually body temperature and atmospheric pressure. To guarantee accuracy, laboratory practice should include regular physical and biological calibration of the equipment. Standard for good laboratory conduct have been described greatly by British Thoracic Society or association of respiratory technologist and physiologist 1997. In health there are several factors which influence the magnitude of the lung function. These include height, sex, age, and to a lesser degree weight and ethnic origin (Cotes1979, Anthonisen1986). As a result, assessment of normalcy can only be compared with reference values. The better can be obtained from the study of larger numbers of normal people from the relevant population (European community for Coal and Steel 1983). Once obtained, results can be expressed as percentage predicted or, more correctly, by comparison with the 95% confidence interval for the valves. Problem statement. It is interesting to know whether there are any different of lung volumes and lung capacities base on the different position in the football team such as striker position and defenses position. In football team, the defenders position tasks are different with the striker position task, for example the defensive position, the job of the centre backs or central defenders is to stop opposing players, particularly the strikers, from getting the opportunity to score, and to clear the ball from their own penalty area. So usually the defense has big physical to stop the striker, but different with the striker position, usually the strikers position players have not too big physical, because these positions are for the fast person to score the goal. This study of pulmonary function of the Uitm football players base on position, have taken students group of both striker position and defense position of aged between 19-25 years and focused on essential parameters including, FVC and has used Spirometer. The spirometer device used to assess these parameters. This study mainly concentrates on lung parameters including Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) and how far it varies base on the position such as striker and defense. The FVC also use to assess the lung function of Uitm soccer players. Operational Terms 1.2.1 Exhalation is act or an instance of exhaling air. From journal sources Masaoka Y, Satoh H, Akai L, Homma I. (2010) 1.2.2 Inhalation is the drawing of air or other substances into the lung. From internet sources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki 1.2.3 Total lung capacity are refers to the total amount of air in the lungs after taking the deepest breath possible. From internet sources http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki 1.2.4 Ventilation is a cyclic process of inspiration and expiration whereby optimal levels of Oxygen and cabondioxide are maintained in the alveoli and arterial blood. 1.2.5 Tidal Volume (VT) is defined as the amount of air that is inspired and expired during normal resting ventilation. 1.2.6 Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) is the maneuvers in which the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled following a inspiratory effort. 1.2.7 Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV) can be defined as the maximum volume of air that can be breathed by a person in one minute. From internet sources http://www.answer.com/topic/maximum-breathing-technique Objectives In this study, there are some purposes or objective that can be seen. They are; To measure the level of fitness of Uitm football players by using force vital capacity y test. To determine whether there is a different in pulmonary functions base on position in football team such as defense and striker. 1.4 Hypothesis H °-There is no significant different on pulmonary functions in football position such as striker and defense H ª-There is significant different on pulmonary functions in football position such as striker and defense 1.5 Significant of the study The significant of this study is mainly to measure and compare the lung volumes and capacities among the Uitm football player base on their position. Does the football position such as striker position and defenses position have differences effects on the lung volumes and capacities? The study is important because it can help certain peoples such as coach, physiotherapy and athletes especially in any kinds of sports to improve pulmonary functions. In addition, this study also can increase knowledge of coach and athletes, and show them how important is to have efficient and strong lung to improves their performances for their sport. 1.6 Delimitation The first delimitation is the number of any kinds of research subjects, which consists thirty (n=30) age range from 19-25 years old will take part in this study. The subjects are selected in the Uitm football team and physically active and all the participants must be healthy. The subjects are divided into two groups of defense and striker. The others delimitation is the subject gender and age. The test will be conduct in Physiology Lab. Limitation In this study, the participants involved may have some experience in vital capacity test. The participants that will be selects in this study will be participating in the lab test by using spirometer. The participation is important in this study because it can affect the results and data if the participants do not cooperate and participate willingly. Besides that, the time constrains also can be one of the factors because the participants have their own schedules and will clash with the test schedules and can not attend the test. In addition, money can be a problem because, there is no sponsored in this study. The daily activities of the participants will not be controlled. Assumption In this study, it can be assumed that all the participants can do and completed the vital capacity test. Thus, I also believe and make sure that all the participants will understand and follow all the instruction given by the technician. The researchers also predict that all the participants are physically active and healthy. The researcher assumed that the test in this study instrumentation was appropriate for the target population. I also predict that all the participants fully understood the types of test and method and how to perform it correctly.
Sunday, 19 January 2020
We Must Fight Eating Disorders and Low Self-esteem Essay -- media and
Some people observe negative images of themselves whilst gazing back in the mirror because of subliminal advertising, mental health, and unconscious habits. The individuals staring back from the mirror at them are not real. Often times society disregards reality that no one possesses the perfect body because everyone is unique. Unfortunately, people who experience body dissatisfaction have a hard time grasping this concept of everyone being unique; consequently, they participate in life threatening problematic solutions to achieve their desired body. Eating disorders are abnormal eating habits because of the preoccupation with food and weight management (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2005). People with eating disorders have compulsions with the need to be ultra thin involving excessive or insufficient food intakes that become detrimental to an individual's physical, social and emotional health. Though eating disorders were rare until the early twentieth century, they certainly existed beforehand in the twelfth century. Eating disorders in the twelfth century have many similarities and differences of eating disorders today. Between the twelfth and thirteen centuries eating disorders originated from Catherine of Siena, who started a massive fast and cut her hair in order to make a statement. Through her lifestyle change she made a statement that Christ should be the center of one's life and cutting off her hair was a protest against â€Å"being overly encouraged to improve appearance in order to attract a husband†(Deans, 2011). Who knew fasting would evolve from a religious practice meant to stimulate a covenant relationship with the Lord, into a life threatening practice to lose weight. For instance, in the 1800s eating disorders began af... ...rstanding eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating (2008). U.S national library of medicine. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/magazine/issues/spring08/articles/spring08pg17-19.html Verplanken, B., & Velsvik, R.. Habitual negative body image thinking as psychological risk factor in adolescents . ScienceDirect.com | Search through over 11 million science, health, medical journal full text articles and books. Retrieved October 15, 2013, from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1740144507001180#bib30?np=y doi:10.1016.2007.11.001 What can you do to help prevent eating disorders? | What can you do to help prevent eating disorders? | National Eating Disorders Association. Retrieved November 16, 2013, from http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/what-can-you-do-help-prevent-eating-disorders
Saturday, 11 January 2020
How atmosphere is created in Victorian ghost stories Essay
â€Å"Discuss and compare how atmosphere is created in three Victorian ghost stories†Atmosphere is created in Victorian ghost stories by using a few main factors- -Characters -figurative language -setting -themes -Era (period of time) The majority of Victorian ghost authors use these factors because they are best to create atmosphere in any story, i.e. for a theme you can use fear, and for a setting you can use an old abandoned mansion, a story can easily be set around this because the two factors fit together as the same genre. The first author that will be used as an example will be using as an example will be Charles Dickens, he was born in 1812, He had a marvellous photographic memory which helped him base some of his characters on people he had met earlier on in his life. The story I will be focusing on by dickens will be â€Å"THE SIGNALMAN†, this story is a good choice because its atmosphere is built up as soon as you read the story, â€Å"THE SIGNALMAN†is being narrated by the gentleman in the story, he is a means for creating atmosphere because he puts in a first person perspective, he gives opinion and tells you what the scenery looks like, characters are almost a part of the setting, they create a mood, for example the protagonist in the story spends most of his time learning from the signalman- â€Å"how I ought to act, having become the recipient of this disclosure? I had proved the man to be intelligent, vigilant, painstaking, and exact†, at first the protagonist sees the signalman to be a solitary, ghost of a man, but getting to know him, he sees him as a man waiting for something to come (this is now figurative language), what the author is trying to tell you is that he is not waiting to change the train track, but is waiting for the warning (or signal) towards his death. One of the themes is either death or hell, for example, in the start the signalman was shocked when the narrator yells at him â€Å"halloa, below there†, the signalman thinks that the protagonist is a ghost (the signal man is waiting for death). A quote that can support the theme of hell is: â€Å"just then there came a vague vibration of the earth and air, quickly changed into a violent pulsation and an oncoming rush that caused me to start back†, this shows that this character is not use to trains (most likely because of the era (period of time) , in which trains are relatively new and many people are scared of them), he may find them monstrous, figuratively, the ground quivering and the protagonist going down into the trench may possibly mean the earth is opening, and he is descending into hell. The era (period of time) also helps with the building of the atmosphere for the reason that the story is set around trains, and in Victorian times the general public were scared of trains which would add to the eeriness of the account being told. The author will use characters as a tool to build atmosphere by explaining what he or she looks like, how they act and what they do, for example, â€Å"And drawing nearer to him, saw that he was a dark sallow man with a dark beard and rather heavy eyebrows†, the narrator is describing the signalman as a person who does not interact with others and as if he is already dead because of his pale skin, deep voice, and in another part of the story he is described as having â€Å"an infection of the mind†, adding to the theme of death. The setting in the signalman is dim and creepy, this is explained by the protagonist, â€Å"down in the deep trench, and mine was so high above him, so steeped in the angry sunset†, the trench described in this quote is intended to represent the protagonist on earth, looking down into his grave, it could be that the point of the story is to represent the protagonist’ death. The next Victorian ghost author that will be used is Abraham stoker (Bram stoker); he is best known as the creator of the fictional character Count Dracula. The story which will be used is â€Å"THE JUDGES HOUSE†. One of the themes in this story is fear, this is mainly created by using setting and characters, for example, the protagonist, Malcolm Malcolmson needs a place of solitude to do his scientific research and so he finds †an old shambling, heavy built house of Jacobean style , with heavy gables and windows, set higher than normal, customary houses†he finds the perfect house for his research, this is also the perfect house to build suspense, horror and the theme, fear. This particular story brings different eras(periods of time) to it because the house that malcolmson takes residency in has a history, as malcolmson asks to stay in the house to the landlady, she replies â€Å"not in the judges house!, she said, and grew pale as she spoke†¦ the abode of the judge who was held in great terror because of the harsh sentences and his hostility towards the prisoners at assizes†, this makes the plot, and in turn it creates a negative atmosphere towards the house. This quote can also explain how the characters create atmosphere by use of their language , another example of this would be †mercy on us†, said Ms. Witham â€Å"an old devil, and sitting on a chair by the fireside , take care sir, take care†, Ms. Witham the woman speaking, sounds as if she is nervous just talking about the judge. In this story a setting can also represent a character i.e. the rats are meant to represent the judge, because it keeps catching the attention of malcolmson, â€Å"he raised a book in his right hand and taking careful aim, flung it at the rat, it sprang aside like a missile, he took another book and repeated his action, and a third, until he had only one book left, the rat squeaked and seemed afraid, malcolmson more eager to strike, the book flew with a resounding blow†. The book that hit the rat was the bible, usually in any Victorian ghost story the protagonist will have to use a religious object to get rid of the villain, i.e. in Bram stokers â€Å"Dracula†the protagonist (van Helsing) uses a cross to fend Dracula. So the rat (the judge) will have to be scared of the bible. The rats are also meant to representing the judges evil spreading like a plague, and ruining everybody’s lives around it. The last author that will be used to answer the question is Herbert George wells (h.g wells) he was a Victorian sci-fi writer most famous for his novel â€Å"war of the worlds†. The story he wrote that will be used is the â€Å"THE RED ROOM†. This will give good examples of how atmosphere is created by using characters; in the beginning of the story there is a conversation between the protagonist and the pensioners, the pensioners help create atmosphere because they are all somehow crippled, for example, â€Å"its your own choosing†, said the man with the withered arm once more†¦ a second old man entered, more bent, more wrinkled, more aged than the first. The reason these characters are like this is because they keep having to lecture the protagonist about not going to the red room, he won’t listen because no one would like to believe two senile old pensioners over their own opinion. The setting of the red room is a slightly different to other ghost stories because it is less secluded (there are more characters in the key building). It seems bizarre that the antagonist would only appear when a character is alone, as if it is shy: â€Å"as I stood undecided, an invisible hand seemed to sweep out the two candles on the table, with a cry of terror I dashed to the alcove†. The example of era (period in time) that happens in the story is more of a thought than it being existent: â€Å"an older age when things spiritual were indeed to be feared, when common sense was uncommon, an age, when omens and witches were credible, and ghost beyond denying†. This creates an Atmosphere of wickedness because it reminds you of the period in which everything was religious (religion can get rid of evil) and the church led the public to be against witches, demons and the devil. In all three of the stories there will be a person(s) who has experienced or witnessed the horrors that have happened before, they create atmosphere by giving the story a history.` Conclusion: Atmosphere is created in Victorian ghost stories by using some of the factors said before -Era (period of time) -Theme -Characters -Setting These factors are HOW atmosphere is created in these three Victorian ghost stories because they are best to put what is needed for a ghost story in the plot: suspense, history, death and a mystery to be solved.
Friday, 3 January 2020
Happiness The Pursuit of Serotonin - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 573 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/05/16 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Happiness Essay Did you like this example? Throughout ones life, we are destined to experience a vast variety of circumstances which will ultimately affect what we feel as a result, though we as a society seem to strive to achieve happiness above other emotions or experiences. (Gilbert) Blaise Pascal has alleged that happiness acts as an essential motivator for us as humans, not only in society, but throughout the history of our survival and evolution. It could be said that happiness itself can be reduced to nothing more than a process of neurotransmission, but emotion is not an exact science in all cases, making happiness seem to be more subjective than a mere chemical reaction. (Datta) From a young age, I have been very academically motivated and my passion for learning has only continued to develop over the years. Despite the fact that I was accepted to Ivy League institutions such as Princeton University, I ultimately decided on Drexel University because I felt that I was happiest with the programs they had to offer. However, this experience was not as pleasant as one would have expected or hoped; I struggled with chronic depression throughout the entirety of my time studying at Drexel University, but I soon learned that many of my classmates felt similarly. In fact, recent studies show that depressive behaviors, suicidal thoughts, and other self-destructive tendencies are all far too common amongst current college students. (Mortier) When I was nineteen years old, I began working as a communications officer for a municipal police department. Previously, I had dreaded going into work and this dissatisfaction seeped into other areas of my life until I changed the trajectory of my career path. Emergency dispatching provided me with a newfound passion, or happiness; I felt truly happy with my career and found myself eager to log into my console to take calls. Despite long twelve or more hour shifts, the severity of the calls I have received, or the traumas that we manage on a regula r basis, my new career path left me feeling exultant and rewarded. (Neumann) In social aspects of my life, I have found that surrounding oneself with supportive friends and family is crucial to ones happiness. As someone with hearing loss, I have experienced unique situations that others would not have faced if they were not affected by hearing loss. These challenges faced by deaf and hard of hearing individuals are truly unique to our community and studies have shown that those with hearing loss are at higher risk for mental illness than that of the hearing population. (Checinski) This does not mean that hearing loss in and of itself has made me feel unhappy, but rather the way that others perceive me or my hearing loss that leaves me feeling despondent. While everyone is fighting their own unique battles in life, we all seem to share a similar objective; to achieve happiness. In The New Science of Happiness the author quotes a psychologist by the name of Kahneman who st ates Everyone is surprised by how happy paraplegics can be this line resonates with me as a person with a disability for many reasons; we are more than our disability, we are whole and we want to be happy like everyone else hopes to attain. (Wallis) This message transcends personal differences in the way that there is more to everyone than what they cannot do, nor should outside perceptions affect our ability to acquire contentment in life. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Happiness The Pursuit of Serotonin" essay for you Create order
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