Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Genetic Testing Controversies

Genetic Testing Controversies 1-12-11 Biology Genetic Testing, also known as DNA-based tests, is a new method of testing for genetic diseases or disorders. In the test the DNA molecule is examined and other tests include microscopic examination of chromosomes, for stained or fluorescent chromosomes. Genetic tests are used for carrier screening, newborn screening, identity testing, prenatal diagnostic testing, and prediction of disorders later in life such as Huntington’s or Alzheimer’s disease etc. Human Genome Project) Controversies today that genetic testing today faces is with the privacy, consents, equity and discrimination. The privacy of the information that is found may not be confidential between the patient and the doctor it may also be revealed to other people that are not involved in the issue. The controversies with consent are that should the insurance companies be allowed to have the information of medical records and family histories before granting permi ssion to anything. (Friesen, Tim.The Genetic Testing Controversy). The costs of some of these genetic tests are very expensive, some costing more than $1000. Another controversy is related with discrimination to the people shown by insurance companies, where they are discriminating on the people by the information which is received to them by genetic tests. Another example is where a woman who had applied to become an adoptive parent was denied due to a family history of Huntington’s disease which also made her susceptible to the disease. Friesen, Tim. The Genetic Testing Controversy) An advantage of Genetic testing is that it gives information about any disease or disorders a person may have and treat that person immediately for a cure. Another advantage is that these tests help to live a risk free life from the beginning, for example- Genetic testing are done on new born babies, which helps to identify any disorders from the beginning so treatment can be given immediately. Benefits of genetic testing) Another advantage of genetic testing is that there are fewer checkups and visits to the doctor if there is a history of a disease in a family. Another advantage is that if a person is genetically tested and the results are positive, they get to make â€Å"informed decisions† in their life. (Benefits of Gene Testing. National Cancer Institute) A disadvantage of genetic testing is that if a person is positive for a disease which cannot be cured completely, is still in a risk. Related essay: â€Å"Advantages and Disadvantages of Genetic Engineering†For example breast and ovarian cancers, you cannot get rid of each and every breast or ovary related cells. Even after the surgery, the risk is still there. Another disadvantage is many people after receiving their test results and testing positive for a disease, leads to depression, anxiety or anger for most people, mostly women in these cases. Another disadvantage of genetic testing is many people face discrimination in getting insurance, or employment due to the results of that person’s genetic test. Citation Pictures http://www. beltina. org/pics/genetic_testing. jpg

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Farewell to Arms Is a Novel Without Hope

Ernest Hemingway’s novel ‘A Farewell to Arms’ shows the destitution of war and the hopelessness of life. Throughout times of hardship and despair, the need to believe in a better future is enhanced, and through the horrors of death and injury, Hemingway implies that all is hopeless. Attempts to find meaning through alcohol and sex proved unsuccessful, societies corruption highlights the absurdity of war, and the love Catherine and Henry felt for each other ended in horror. During the war, soldiers turned to the simple pleasures of live in a means finding hope and escaping the misery. The constant drinking and journeys to â€Å"bawdy houses† shows the change in moral standards as the need for meaning in life rises, and the social norms change from modesty to going to the â€Å"whorehouse before it shuts† This lowered standards as a result of the soldiers’ position leads the reader to understand that in war, there is no hope; the constant death and destruction leaves soldiers feeling as though they have no purpose in life. The routine death, to the point that a soldier dying is unimportant, shows the brutality of war on the emotions of men. The positive connotations of â€Å"only seven thousand† soldiers dying highlights the hopelessness of life and the need for an outlet from war. While in normal circumstance one could turn to religion as an answer for the reason behind war and how to alleviate oneself from the terror, Henry and his friends believe â€Å"all thinking men are atheists†, and interrupt the priest when he attempts to tell Henry about the Abbruzi. This disruption of spirituality affirms Hemingway’s belief in the falsehood of religion, and shows how in times of war, society changes itself and consequently, all hope of peace and happiness is lost. Once Henry injures himself and is forced to take leave from the war, it is evident to the reader that the world is corrupt, and it drags everyone with it. While in the hospital immediately following his knee being â€Å"blown to bits†, Rinaldi tries to make Henry realise his sacrifice and accept the rewards that come with it. Despite Henry protesting that he was â€Å"blown up† not during battle, but when he was â€Å"eating cheese†, Rinaldi still believes that Henry could â€Å"get a silver† medal of honour. Even though he knew that he had done nothing courageous or even brave, but was rather injured in the most banal way possible, Henry was still able to receive an award that was meant for those who had made a significant sacrifice in war. This medal was meant for the type of hero Hemingway believed in; one that displayed acts of courage, endurance and stoicism. Hemingway, through Henry, implies that he does not believe in the glorification of war, as he sees it as an incentive for people to continue fighting. This continuation of war only leads to more despair, and ultimately, a life devoid of hope and meaning. vidence Much like in the hospital, at the races, Hemingway once again shows the reader the corruption of the world and the hopelessness that is brought about as a result of it. When Catherine and Henry realise that the race is corrupt and one horse is assured of victory, they decide to â€Å"pool† all their money together and back it. Although once they do not win as much as they hoped, their mindset towards cheating is reversed, and suddenly, Catherine â€Å"does not like this crooked† racing. It can be concluded that people don’t care about the unauthenticity of life, as long as it benefits them. Even Catherine, a woman used to balance Henry’s faults and teach him lessons as a result of her loss, is dragged into the corruption of the world. These acts of corruption highlight the inability of man to act in a truly righteous way, and extinguish all hope of an honest society. While there is an overall feeling of hopelessness, some can be found in the relationship between Henry and Catherine. Their love inspires them to look towards the future, planning and hoping to â€Å"go somewhere† when â€Å"the war is over†. While the â€Å"many long nights in Milan† provided the couple with everlasting memories and hope for the future, the inevitable, and sudden, ending of their relationship further reinforces Hemingway’s view of a hopeless society. The single emotion that can provide some sense of hope and prospect for the future inflicts more pain than any other as a result of the passion and intensity of love the couple felt for each other. When Henry hears the news of Catherine’s haemorrhage and that the death of the woman he loves is imminent, he tries anything possible to end her pain, even turning to religion, a belief he had criticised on many occasion. Even though he believed that he had â€Å"outlived (his) religious feeling†, he pleaded with god to not â€Å"let her die† The repetition of this prayer allows the reader to see the maturity Henry has develop; he has turned from a man who was in a relationship purely because he wanted to â€Å"play the game†, into someone with empathy and real care for a woman. The joy of â€Å"waking and not knowing who it was† with him had left him, and he had developed true affection for Catherine. The strong connection the couple shared made Catherine’s death even more difficult, and reinforces the harsh view of society that Hemingway believed. Death’s winged chariot† took all that had meaning from Henry’s life, and left him a â€Å"cracked† and â€Å"broken† man in a world that was ‘cooked’. ‘A Farewell to Arms’ predominately presents a hopeless and cynical view of the war and life itself, but hope doe s appear as a result of the love between Henry and Catherine. Hope is seen as futile through the soldiers’ actions, the corruption of the world, and the inevitable heartache as a result of Catherine’s death and from this it is evident that the only bit of justice left in the world is love, assuming that it too is not dragged down by war.

Autonomous Caregiver Following Robotic Wheelchair

AUTONOMOUS CAREGIVER FOLLOWING ROBOTIC WHEELCHAIR Abstract— In the last decennary, a assortment of robotic/intelligent wheelchairs have been proposed to run into the demand in aging society. Their chief research subjects are independent maps such as traveling toward some ends while avoiding obstructions, or user-friendly interfaces. Although it is desirable for wheelchair users to travel out entirely, health professionals frequently accompany them. Therefore we have to see non merely independent maps and user interfaces but besides how to cut down caregivers’ burden and back up their activities in a communicating facet. From this point of position, we have proposed a robotic wheelchair traveling with a caregiver side by side based on the MATLAB procedure. In this undertaking we discoursing about robotic wheel chair to follow a health professional by utilizing a microcontroller, Ultrasonic detector, computer keyboard, Motor drivers to run automaton. Using camera interfaced with the DM6437 ( Davinci Code Processor ) imag e is captured. The captured image are so processed by utilizing image processing technique, the processed image are so converted into electromotive force degrees through MAX 232 degree convertor and given it to the microcontroller unit serially and supersonic detector to observe the obstruction in forepart of automaton. In this automaton we have mode choice switch Automatic and Manual control of automaton, we use supersonic detector in automatic manner to happen obstruction, in Manual manner to utilize the computer keyboard to run wheel chair. In the microcontroller unit, hundred linguistic communication cryptography is predefined, harmonizing to this coding the automaton which connected to it was controlled. Robot which has several motors is activated by utilizing the motor drivers. Motor drivers are nil but a switch which ON/OFF the motor harmonizing to the control given by the microcontroller unit. Keywords:Code Composer studio,Robotic Wheelchair.IntroductionHarmonizing to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , between the 7 and 10 % of the population worldwide suffer from some physical disablement. This nose count indicates that the most common disablement is motor, followed by sightlessness, hearing loss, rational, and linguistic communication. Many people who suffer from chronic mobility damages, such as spinal cord hurts or multiple induration, utilize a powered wheelchair to travel around their environment. However, factors such as weariness, devolution of their status, and centripetal damages, frequently limit their ability to utilize standard electric wheelchairs. This undertaking aims at developing—in coaction with applied scientists and rehabilitation clinicians—a paradigm of a multi-functional intelligent wheelchair to help persons with mobility damages in their day-to-day motive power, while minimising physical and cognitive tonss. In Existing system the control is utilizing computer keyboard or person has to assist in traveling the wheel chair and here we introduce a new technique in this we can track the caregiver’s organic structure orientation by sing its form so that the wheelchair can do a bend when the health professional is traveling to alter his/her traveling way. Based on these observations of the health professional, our wheelchair can travel with the health professional side by side. . Fig1. System Overview The coveted codification can be fed into DM6437 via CCS and consequence can be viewed in matlab. In the following subdivision, the execution of tracking algorithms will be presented. Section III proposes the algorithm with Davinci codification processor and robotic system. Decision is given in subdivision IV.Peoples DETECTION AND TRACKINGInitially connect web camera to the processor. From the picture 2 back-to-back snapshot will be taken with 2sec hold. Both the images will be converted from RGB to grey. The obtained images will hold noise. In order to take the noise Weiner filter is used. Then the filtered grey image will be converted in to grey Binary Image in which ROI is separated. From the binary image Region belongingss will be extracted. In this undertaking major axis length and orientation are extracted. These belongingss will be compared for both the images. Based on the conditions, the bids will be sent to the robotic wheelchair through consecutive port. The stairss followed in algorithm is, First we take two images automatically one by one with some hold. Convert both colour images to grey images by utilizing rgb2gray bid. Use wiener2 filter for taking gesture fuzz in both images because object is in traveling place so camera generate blurred image. Convert that wiener filtered images to binary images. Apply regionprops technique to binary images for ciphering majoraxislength, orientation ( angle ) . Here we are utilizing both instances such as majoraxislength for ciphering length of image and orientation for angle of image. After acquiring place of object that will be automatically sended to embedded kit ( wheel chair ) through consecutive port utilizing consecutive bid. Fig2. Detecting Region of InterestALGORITHM WITH DM6437 AND ROBOTIC SYSTEMTherefore the generated matlab plan has been fed into the davinci codification processor. This is done by change overing matlab codification in to c codification. The generated degree Celsius codification will be injected in to the processor utilizing Code Composer Studio. Fig3. DVM6437 with supplied electromotive force and USB connexion Fig 4. MATLAB coding Fig5. Connecting with CCSA Robotic constellation.The paradigm system can be implemented utilizing the TMS320DM6437 EVM board, the Robot, and a picture camera. The EVM board includes a DM6437 DSP with a UART consecutive port, composite picture inputs and end products, and many other peripherals. Fig6. Robotic Circuit The EVM board can be mounted above the robotic system. A gripper can be built, to attach the picture camera to the system, and avoid camera quivers, that can be caused by the automaton ‘s motion.Maestro system.The maestro system includes the robotic faculty. Thus the TI DSP processor can be interfaced to robotic faculty by agencies of UART. The robotic system can be configured with 89C51, DC brushless motors ( 45 revolutions per minute ) , detectors for the obstructions sensing and UART for the external. This microcontroller enforce greater versatility with the option for Embedded Web waiter application, so that system can be monitored from the distant location. Therefore configuring the system utilizing UART would intend that the DSP would move as slave and it would the feed the boot information to the maestro device ( 89C51 ) , when they need information. Thus the maestro would have the picture information, sing which object demand to be tracked from the slave ( DSP ) and there by the coveted one would be tracked. Thus the presented algorithm would roll up the belongingss of the coveted object, which would voyage the slave for tracking. Based on the place of the Object ( Caregiver ) , the bids will be sent to microcontroller through the consecutive port. Depending on the standard bids, the action will be taken topographic point. The bids and it’s control action for automaton, is given in tabular array. TABLE1: DECISION MAKING TABLE BY ROBOTS.NoCommandRobot motion14Left26Right38Forward45StopThe relationship between the maestro and break one's back device is depicted as province flow chart in the figure7 Fig7. Flow of mechanism between district attorney vinci and robotic system Fig8. Robotic Wheelchair PrototypeDecisionIn this paper, a new algorithm is presented, to do the wheelchair to follow health professional. The algorithm is verified for a set of picture. It reduces the physical work and caregiver’s burden. The proposed architecture has to be implemented.Mentions[ 1 ] Veenman, C. Reinders, M. , and Backer, E. 2001. Deciding gesture correspondence for dumbly traveling points, IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach. Intell. 23, 1, 54–72. Serby, D. , koller clemency, S. , AND Gool L. V. 2004. Probabilistic object tracking utilizing multiple characteristics. In IEEE International Conference of Pattern Recognition ( ICPR ) . 184–187. Comaniciu, D. , Ramesh, V. , Andmeer, P. 2003. Kernel-based object trailing. IEEE Trans. Patt. Analy. Mach Intell. 25, 564–575. Yilmaz, A. , LI, X. , AND Shah, M. 2004. Contour based object tracking with occlusion managing in picture acquired utilizing nomadic cameras. 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Monday, 29 July 2019

Instructional Maual on chidren with diabetes Essay

Instructional Maual on chidren with diabetes - Essay Example Patients suffering from type 1 diabetes are forced to take insulin injections throughout their lives. In type 2 diabetes, body cells fail to react with insulin. It could also be caused by insufficient insulin production by the body. Gestational Diabetes affects women during the pregnancy period. This occurs due to increased blood glucose level, which reduces the amount of insulin produced in the body. Insulin is necessary for glucose transportation. Children living with diabetes (type 1 diabetes) require non-stop daily management, implying that they must become experts of their own condition and should be highly informed than the average doctor in order to manage the daily demands of the disease. According to scientific research, type 1 diabetes is partly hereditary. A vast number of differing genes are involved in the inheritance of the disease. However, children do not inherit the actual disease. They inherit genes that make them susceptible to contracting the disease. Type 1 diabetes that infects children is categorized as an autoimmune disorder. This means that the disease acts as an allergy in the bodies of infected children. It, therefore, makes their immune system to cause an attack on part of their bodies. However, the exact cause of diabetes in children is still unknown. The symptoms of diabetes in children start when pancreatic cells start deteriorating over a long period of time. Pancreatic cells play the role of insulin produce. Eventually, the cells reach a point when they start producing lower than 20 percent of the total insulin amount required by the body. At this point, diabetes is diagnosed. In many children, diabetic symptoms have been observed to begin shortly after a cold, flu or another infection. Diabetes symptoms in children include weight loss shortly after diagnosis of the disease, vomiting and tiredness. About 30, 000 children in the US are diagnosed with diabetes each year. Diabetes

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Declining Confidence in Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Declining Confidence in Government - Essay Example This essay looks into some of the texts that have focused on the issue. Balz, D. (October 13, 2013). Public confidence in GOP, government declining fast. The Washington Post. Retrieved from confidence-in-gop-government-declining-fast/ The Washington Post is a popular form of media that addresses most of the contentious issues facing the US and other parts of the world. The article highlights the recent events involving the US government that have resulted into a decline in public trust. The article discusses the surprising results from the Gallop Polls and the NBC News-Wall Street journal following the historic government shutdown (Balz, 2013). People knew that the threats of a regime default and the shutdown would lead to a disruption of the stability of political parties in Washington. It was even more surprising to find out that so much damage could be achieved in a short time. The article also states that the mistakes of the Republican Party also contributed to the shutdown. The article is viewed as showing some of the most alarming trends in the modern times. It was clear that the citizens have lost faith in the government and its ability to steer the country towards the right direction economically. It is clear that most citizens are pessimistic and are counting on the situation to get worse (Balz, 2013). The present standoff that has resulted into a considerable decline in public trust in the government is similar to the one experienced in the discussion about the increase in the debt ceiling. It has been observed that the decline in confidence in the government has fallen to levels that have never been experienced before. Democrats did not escape the criticism as well. This is owing to the fact that they were also blamed for the shutdown. The article states that the opinion polls from various organizations revealed similar trends in

Saturday, 27 July 2019

International Finance Question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

International Finance Question - Coursework Example When compared to a bank loan a bond tends to give the investor better terms, in loans the bank set the interest rates where else when a company issues a bond, the company controls the interest rates (Levi, 2009). Foreign bonds are also a good method of funding expansion to other countries because they protect the firm from currency fluctuation in the country of interest. The greatest disadvantage of bonds, however, is that it will reduce the firm’s trading flexibility. This is because the firm cannot trade out of a bond that is doing well while it maintains its other holdings (Levi, 2009). The second option that a firm can explore is getting money from private investors. They provide a flexible source of capital compared to what is provided by banks and other financial institutions. Loans from private sectors are often available at low costs (Levi, 2009). Acquiring funds from private investors is a simple process when compared to banks. A firm will save a considerable amount of time and money when acquiring the loan. The disadvantage associated with this option is that private investors might ask for an ownership stake in the company, and this is not usually acceptable with many firms. The second disadvantage is that the investor may require time to consider the request; this time may not be available to the firm if the situation is of urgency (Levi,

Friday, 26 July 2019

Microeconomics Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Microeconomics - Research Proposal Example Microeconomics covers a rather broad area: demand and supply, indifference curve analysis, elasticity of supply and demand, production and cost, marginal analysis, market structure, pricing, and so on. This study will attempt to deal with the area of market structure which is very interesting because of its pervasiveness in our lives: Perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly. An understanding of market structure is essential not only for economists but also for individual businessmen and corporations, for it will help them greatly in dealing with numerous problems encountered in the competitive arena of business. The four major market structures often discussed by economists are perfect competition, which is production by numerous firms with identical/homogeneous products as well as the presence of conditions of free entry and exit; monopoly, which is production by a single firm; monopolistic competition, which is production by many firms with somewhat different or differentiated products; and oligopoly, which is production by several firms. Perfect competition is the ideal market condition envisioned by the great economist Adam Smith, and is often studied first because it is the easiest to understand and it can serve as starting point as well as a gauge by which to measure the performance of the other market structures. The demand curve of a perfectly competitive firm is horizontal because its output is but a small part of total production and it cannot affect the price. The conditions for perfect competition are: a) a large number of small firms and customers, b) homogeneity of product, c) freedom of entry and exit, and d) perfect information about available products and their prices. Many farming and fishing industries closely approximate perfect competition. At the other end of the spectrum is the

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Research Proposal Example This will immediately be followed with the drafting of chapter 1, which will have the preparation of research question, formation of aims and objectives, and the outline of the significance of the study in some of the highlighted areas. During the last week of drafting of the chapter one, the researcher will begin collecting secondary materials needed to undertake the literature review. The selection will be based on the research questions and specific objectives. The actual drafting of the literature review, which is the chapter two of the study, will take place within a period of three weeks. While drafting the literature review, the researcher will meet resource persons to share ideas. This will then be followed with the seeking of formal consent from the targeted setting for the study. As soon as the permission is granted, the researcher will go on using one week to form the sample size and conduct the actual collection of primary data in three weeks. Thereafter, two weeks will b e dedicated to putting the data collection into writing and then another two weeks will be used to draft the results and analysis. The conclusion and summary shall take one week to draft while the marking of the whole draft will take place in the very week that the conclusion is written. The final week will be dedicated to making corrections and reviewing the entire project report. Resources Needed Computers and Tablet PCs: The researcher will make use of computers and tablet PCs for the typing and researching aspect of the project. The tablet PC is particularly necessary so that the researcher can be on the go with whatever data that he comes across, where the computer may not be readily available or accessible. In effect, the tablet PC would allow for portability. Internet Access: The researcher will need constant access to internet for undertaking online research. Such online researches are going to be necessary for the completion of the proposed research since the researcher wil l be making use of both qualitative and quantitative research approaches and will, therefore, come to a stage where secondary data derived from the internet will be of much relevance. Statistical Software: Since aspects of the research may be quantitative, it is proposed that the need to use statistical software may emerge. Some of these statistical programs may include Microsoft Excel and SPSS. Interview Guide: The researcher shall prepare an exclusive interview guide, with which data shall be collected from members of the sample group. It has already been explained that members in the sample size are going to be made up of students in lower grades and so the best form of data collection instrument to use on them is one that will not make them read and produce written responses. Tape Recorders: In the course of the interview, it will be necessary and important that the researcher records the interactions that will go on between the researcher and the respondents. Because of this, t he researcher will have the need of a tape recorder to do the recording and later transcribe the results. E-Coli Meter: the E-Coli meter is going to be

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

In what ways is Orwell's Keep the Aspidistra Flying a critique of Essay

In what ways is Orwell's Keep the Aspidistra Flying a critique of British values between the wars - Essay Example Even from above you could see that his shoes needed resoling.† (Orwell, 2002) This makes it obvious to the reader that Gordon is a man who is down on his luck. The book can be interpreted in terms of reflecting on the values of the British society especially between the war period. Unfortunately Gordon has some very unattractive qualities which make it difficult for the reader to identify with him. He is a man obsessed with himself and wallowing in self-pity. He has a lot of intellectual arrogance and conceit. He professes to be a budding poet although his book has only sold about one hundred and fifty three copies. He firmly believes that it is only the lack of money which prevents him from turning out a masterpiece. In his own words â€Å"Snooty, refined books on safe painters and safe poets by those moneyed young beasts who glide so gracefully from Eton to Cambridge and from Cambridge to the literary reviews.† (Orwell, 2002) Here Gordon’s contempt for writers w ho do not dare to take any kind of risk but prefer to stick to safe topics is obvious. At the same time a tinge of envy is there in his words. He considers that their moneyed background offers these writers a blanket of security which is conspicuously lacking in his life. Actually through Gordon’s monologue we catch a glimpse of British Society during the post-war period. The British middle class values are also high-lighted in this book. It was a very class conscious society at that time. The British middle class had certain rigid standards by which they lived their lives. Thus at that time you were either a gentleman or an aristocrat. If you belonged to neither of these two categories then you were a member of the lower classes and you could expect to be treated with a certain degree of contempt. Actually here the author has tried to bring to the fore-front the false sense of values which governed the British Society in those days. So we see that although Gordon Comstock ha d no money he was still desperate to keep up appearances. For example in this passage, â€Å"Gordon walked homeward against the rattling wind, which blew his hair backward and gave him more of a 'good' forehead than ever. His manner conveyed to the passers-by--at least, he hoped it did--that if he wore no overcoat it was from pure caprice. His overcoat was up the spout for fifteen shillings, as a matter of fact.† (Orwell, 2002) Here Gordon’s behavior is typical of the class to which he belonged. He did not possess an overcoat and at the same time he was trying to convey the impression that this was just whimsical behavior on his part. There were one or two bright spots in Gordon’s life. One was his girlfriend Rosemary who loved him but refused to sleep with him. The other was his rich friend Philip Ravelston who tried to help him by publishing one of his books through his publishing contacts. Gordon formed the impression that his lack of money was the main reaso n behind Rosemary’s resistance to his advances. Although Gorden claimed to disdain money, at the same time he was obsessed with it. This is apparent from this passage. â€Å"It wasn’t merely the lack of money. It was rather that, having no money, they still lived mentally in the money-world--the world in which money is virtue and poverty is crime.† (Orwell, 2002) Gordon had little or no time for his relatives. Their genteel poverty and their helplessness was a source of

Aid in dying or physician assisted suicide Research Paper

Aid in dying or physician assisted suicide - Research Paper Example Those who have opted to take a neutral stand believe that while physician assisted suicide may be unethical in some cases; there are certain cases that may warrant the doctor to take the necessary action to end the life of his or her patient. This is especially in cases where the patient himself demands that a doctor ends his life because it has become unbearable because of the pain they are enduring in their terminal illness. The legal and moral debate is currently going on and it seems that the stands that have been taken on the opposite sides of the debate are going to be reconciled any time soon. A brief discussion of the issues involved in physician assisted suicide needs to be discussed in order to come up with a suitable stand concerning the matter. Background There have developed strong arguments concerning the loosening of the legal constraints that prevent doctors from administering physician-assisted suicide to their patients. Surveys that have been conducted recently have shown that many people of the United States are in favor of the legalization of this practice.1 Those opposed to it are the conservative elements of the society such as religious people as well as moral conservatives who tend to equate the practice to murder. It should however be realized that some form of legalization of the practice is eventually going to be made because many people will most likely leave behind instructions concerning their being assisted to die in case something serious happens to them. It will no longer matter what the government and conservatives elements in society will have to say because the wishes of individuals will most likely be put first. There has, recently been a high prevalence in the number of people who have made requests to their doctors to have assistance with suicide. The doctors have to consider this difficult request because of the legal and ethical repercussions of the practice.2 It can safely be said that there is a high likelihood that ma ny doctors accede to the demand of their patients, although secretly, and assist them in ending their lives. Despite it being illegal, especially in the United States, the possibilities of physician-assisted suicides taking place in the country are quite high. Such acts are most likely going to force the legalization of assisted suicides so that the government can have some measure of control over it. Analysis Among the arguments that have been made concerning the banning of physician, assisted suicide is that it is wrong in the eyes of God. The greatest opposition to the legalization of this practice has come from the religious establishment and religious texts and opinions have been used to justify its stand. It has been stated that only God has the ultimate power to take away life, and that doctors who assist their patients in dying are committing a sin.3 This argument has been strongly countered by advocates of physician-assisted suicide, who have stated that God is not so aloof that he allows people to suffer immense pain. Instead, they have argued that God has given human beings the knowledge and the ability to get rid of pain, and that among the means that God has provided is that of physicians assisting their patients to receive a

Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Sprint Communication Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sprint Communication - Term Paper Example The merger of Sprint and Centel in 1993 gave the company an edge by providing wireless communication packages across long distances (Sprint). Company Founder and Vision The company was founded by Cleyson Brown in 1991 (Sprint). The company is centered on four main principles: integrity, honesty, creativity and commitment. The company’s mission is to create sustainable partnerships with customers on a long term basis, based on trust and collaboration. There are four central tenets of its mission. Firstly, to provide high quality, out of the box solutions for customers to provide them with cutting edge technology (Sprint). Secondly, it provides strong communications platforms to enable customers to deal with day to day networking issues (Sprint). Thirdly, it is responsible for accounting for managers who are loyal to the business and who truly understand the needs of the businesses and align their personal needs with those of the business (Sprint). Fourth, providing highly respo nsive and interaction based service on a localized basis which is capable of being trusted and guaranteed to give ultimate peace of mind to the customer (Sprint). Empowerment The company has gone at lengths to ensure empowerment of not only its employees, but the community in general. It has a plan under the banner of â€Å"inclusion and diversity† which addresses the issue of corporate citizenship and allows minorities and ethnic groups an equal share in the operations of the company (Sprint). The company proudly declares itself as a learning organization and offers merit based advancement of its employees with extensive training programs to ensure their personal as well as professional growth. Under this strategy the company has created â€Å"employee resource groups† that comprise of self-directed work teams where constructive discussion and contribution is encouraged. These teams are also continuously benefitting from the advice of their seniors (the executive cham pions) who provide mentoring and counseling as well. In its efforts to provide Equal Opportunity, the company was recognized by the Hispanics Magazine as among the top 100 companies to work for (Black Enterprise). It further received the â€Å"Empowerment† award by Urban League of Kansas City (Sprint). Ethical Behavior and Social Responsibility As far as ethical behavior is concerned, the company has a stringent â€Å"Sprint Code of Conduct† that needs to be followed by all managers, employees and stakeholders of Sprint (Sprint). The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to ensure good practice, and foster a character consistent with the company’s mission of which integrity and honesty are the founding pillars. The Code of Conduct allows the company to take ethical decisions and enhances the goodwill of the company in the market. As far as corporate social responsibility (CSR) is concerned, Sprint offers â€Å"wireless recycling† and use of renewable energy i n its communications along with grants in education (Sprint). In pursuance of its recognition of CSR, Sprint announced its plan for producing environmentally friendly devices in 2007 with the popular Sprint Green Logo (Sprint). The company plans to address CSR at all levels: the customer, employees, community, operations and product offerings. For instance, the

Monday, 22 July 2019

Literary Canon Definition Essay Example for Free

Literary Canon Definition Essay A literary canon is a classification of literature. It is compromised of literary works that share similar or related characteristics and are considered to be the most important of a specific time frame or place. The process in which a work is canonized is completely subjective. And just as the judgments and opinions of people change over time, so do literary canons. The status a work receives when it is entered into a literary canon is based on its relevance to the time period. Therefore a social change such as the feminist movement can determine what works are added and removed from a literary canon  Both the works of Gail Godwin’s â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman† and Karen Van Der Zee’s â€Å" A Secret Sorrow† were composed during the rise of feminism. However, the perspective of woman each work has varies greatly. â€Å" A Secret Sorrow† reflects the stereotypical view of woman that the feminist movement so strongly opposed. The view that woman are child bearing objects and should complete the role of the traditional housewife is irrelevant to the social changes happening during time period. In stark contrast, â€Å" A Sorrowful Woman† is written about a woman who is weary and unsatisfied with her role as a mother and child. She even goes as far as to detach herself from her family and isolate herself into one room. This perspective ties closely with way many women felt during the time period when feminism was rising. Thus its social and historical relevance to the time period makes â€Å"A Sorrowful Woman† a much better fit to be entered into the literary canon.

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Quality Control

Quality Control DEFFINITION: Quality control is defined as the set of procedures intended to ensure that performed service or manufactured product sticks to a set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client. Quality control of a project is to determine the quality required for the products of the particular project.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quality targets should meet all the basic requirements defined by the authorities of the project. Project management body of knowledge(PMBOK) approaches: Standards organisations for quality management system: ISO 9000 series ISO 9001:2008 rules Six sigma Ishikawa Crosby ISO 9001:2008 rules:- It is a set of procedures that cover all key processes in the business. Checking outputs for defects and correction where necessary Regularly checking quality system for effectiveness. Roles and responsibilities of quality manager: Roles of quality manager: You must be act as an objective observer even when you are looking at the subjective issues. When you ask questions you have to take a step backwards from answers. So that all you looking for data-whether numbers, reports and it may be observations. This combined data will lead you to what you need to know. Quality is not a finger pointing exercise for you or your employees. It is an honesty and open method to get the solutions at the objective observation. First of all look quality within your area before taking on to the world. Responsibilities of quality manager: Assist the preparation of the Quality Plan for each projectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Assign different roles to product managers and related stakeholders in the development of test procedures or whatever is needed to complete the preparation of Quality Control procedures.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Make sure that the stakeholders requirements from all products and services are well documented and prepared against the final products or services.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Install some updates to the Quality Plan to check problems at handà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Provide feedback to the project manager on a regular basis or on demandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Conduct some additional audits or Quality Control reviews by demand of the project manager.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Assist various stakeholders in the process of improving production processes, QC processes or any other aspects of the ICT resources that need improvement.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Relation between process group and quality management process: Quality management has three kinds of processes Quality planning process Quality assurance process Quality control process 1. Quality planning: It serves which quality standards are relevant to the project and how to satisfy those standards .applying those quality standards in to project design is a key part of quality planning. quality plan should not be very long or expensive to produce them. It serves as plan and communication tool in the project. Inputs to quality planning: Scope statement which describes the vision of project. Organisational project assets which gives the lessons learned from the previous project Database which contains policies and procedures. Tools and techniques used in quality plan: Common sense is main tool when you decide the quality. Cost of quality is one of them. Quality objectives: It is a Systematic reflection and evaluation during different phases. Sets quality goals in the available time plan. Observing the priority areas which are necessary in the project. identifies strengths and potentials for improvement. Gives the measurements for the development of project. Outputs to quality management: There should be a list which describes tools and techniques used. A clean view which explains how do we measure quality. List of names who will review the quality. Check list gives feed back from all the viewers. Check list of quality  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Attachments Quality control management Document identification: scope plan Resource plan Schedule Budget Benchmarks Verification Testing Time estimate criteria Cost estimate criteria Technical procedures Technical policies Communications ISO standards PMI standards Customer satisfaction criteria 2. Quality assurance: It is the application of systematic, planned approach to make sure that the project will employ all processes to meet requirements of the project. Quality assurance activities performed by quality manager: Skilled staff: should have knowledge, skills, experience required to keep the project on track. Peer Reviews: peer reviewers discuss about the quality issues found and actions that have to be followed in order to correct the quality issues. Use of templates: provides guidance to the project team members. Checklists: gives quality requirements are fulfilled or not. Gives feed back from all the viewers. 3. Quality control process: It contains monitoring results to see whether they comply with the relevant quality standards. It finds ways to deletes the unsatisfactory results from the project. Control ensures that whatever is delivered to the customer meets the expectations of the projects. Quality control includes the measuring, checking, and auditing of the tasks of the project. Targets of quality management: They should be: Accepted by all the existed participants, Measurable by quantitative parameters, Realistic, should be on track with the available resources Specific, qualitative statements.

History Of The Corruption In China Politics Essay

History Of The Corruption In China Politics Essay Chinas economic ascendance puts China in a position to have many wonderful prospects. In 2008, Chinas strong economic and political systems seemed to resist the idea of a global economic crisis. Chinas massive growth has enhanced China as an important economic power in the world. With over one billion people and the second largest national economy, China is still controlled by an authoritarian political regime; the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist Party seems to be able to rule the state and keep a stable and sustainable economy. However, corruption poses a serious hindrance to Chinas economy and political systems. The failure to eliminate political corruption could cause the collapse of Chinas economy and the Chinese Communist Party in the future (Bergsten C. F 2009 P.97). Corruption also causes the biggest disaster in Chinese history, Tiananmen Square Massacre (Harris 2003). In fact, many of the developing nations that have fast economic growth seem to have a lot of p olitical corruption. Perhaps corruption in a fast developing nation is inevitable. Corruption was widespread in Singapore during the 1960s (Quah S.T. P.31). Singapore was one of the serious corruption countries during its economic development. Many of developing countries with the rapid economic growth have different levels of corruption. The argument in this paper is: corruption in authoritarian states is more prevalent than democratic states. And corruption is a deeply ingrained issue, which is not easy to remove in Chinese society and from Chinas government corruption. This paper will introduce the historical background of China after the Chinese Communist Party overthrew the Chinese Nationalist Party and it will address how its culture and people have changed under the leading Chinese Communist Party. In this paper, moreover, Chinese economic reform is the main factors to cause corruption in China (Chow G. C. 2006 P.266). Chinese economic reform is the most important revolution which is different from the original ideology of communism. Because of the economic reform Chinas great economic achievements rely on the new modern- socialist market economy- a mixture of open- market economy and state-owned enterprise. Economic reform, at the same time as political reform, or new directions of the party, has never been engaged before by the Chinese Communist Party. The causal factors of an open- market economy impacted on the new western ideologies, and the social and political climates have changed quickly in China. For these reasons, current Chinese soc iety, culture, and politics are being changed, and it is causing major internal issues, political corruption and other relative crimes. This paper will address and explain how and why Chinas economic reform, and Chinas political system, caused corruption and related crimes in contemporary with China. Also, I would like to introduce the different kinds of corruption in Chinas government and in Chinese society. For example, political corruption has influenced the entire state, as well as the leaders of its government. In China, most influential senior officials and high level business and government positions are held by the elite who have propelled their family members and caused inheritance of their power for next generations. Those powerful people are called princelings party or Crown Prince Party. They and even their relatives control most entrepreneurs, so they are capable of shifting the profits and starting the money laundering out of their state. They are the one who mostly be lieved to be involved in the political corruption in China. An example of this is the biggest political corruption case: the former of party chief Bo Xilais and his families making billions of U.S. dollars by privileged upbringing and political influence (Barboza D. April 23, 2012). Secondly, bribery is another kind of corruption in China. This paper will introduce guanxi, the practice that is such a rule and code to conduct businesses with local business partners. In China, Guanxi used to be widely translated as connections and relationships, which reflects the process and maintaining of interpersonal relationship. Guanxi is a method of exerting power to gain more benefits and it is being used succeefully in all networks of society, such as jobs and business. This paper will also analyze how Guanxi plays an important role in corruption, and more importantly, to analyze the largest amount of smuggling and bribery in Chinese history- the criminal cases of Lai Changxing. Lai Changxing operations were based on his good social networks and Guanxi, and he smuggled over  £3.3 billion, and bribed 64 officials during the 1990s (Watts J. May 18, 2012). There is a wide range of literature on corruption from which to choose, and the literature review in this paper should focus on the definition of general practice of corruption, the different levels of corruption by macro-level, and how corruption practice occurs in authoritarian states. I will explore Chinas individual case with special political and economic orientation. Peter Hays Griess book Chinese Politics: State, Society and the Market, is an excellent source in which to study the specific cases of corruption in China, and how corruption is performed in China. Yan Suns book, Corruption and Market in Contemporary China, researches the authors viewpoints and controversial points in the academic field. Richard McGregors book The Party: The Secret World of Chinas Communist Rules, is an excellent source which reveals the integrity of Chinas Communist Party and the top secret of the central power rule of the Chinese Communist Party. Literature Review Meanings of Corruption Corruption is not a new practice, but one which has existed for many years. There are various definitions of corruption in literature scholars. Corruption currently is a term which used to be studied in philosophy, social science, and political science. In general, to define corruption in academic work is usually in various forms. Klitgaad writes: In ordinary usage, too, corruption embraces a wide array of illicit behaviors, including bribery, extortion, fraud, nepotism, graft, speed money, pilferage, theft, embezzlement, falsification of records, kickbacks, influence-peddling, and campaign contributions. (Klitgaard 1998, P1.). Klitgaard (1998) gives different violations terms to describe corruption. When people are involved in these terms, they could be accused of corruption. In philosophy, corruption is a moral deviation or depravity in human behavior. In economics, it is an exchange between people who give payment to enjoy privileges and receive payment to provide services. Klitgaard (1998) indicates corruption is an illegal act, and it has expended some of terms of crimes. All these criminal activities are too narrow to understand corruption in a particular field of study. But bribery is first term that Klitgarrds (1998) pointing to as a usual term by which many people perceive corruption. By studying particularly regional corruption in this paper, bribery and the mainly characterized of authoritarian regimes, nepotism, are important fields to study in this topic of the paper. Bribery and Briber Bribery is one of the most common terms of thought under the topic of corruption. It is based on the improper acceptance, giving, receiving, offering or solicitation of a gain or advantage from the briber, including the some actions, views, advices, or decisions of a public official, or person in a position of trust, or person bound by a duty to act impartially (Bribery and Corruption Law. 2012). In bribery and corruption law, it notes that it is necessary to understand that bribery is two exchanges with purposes of payment and receiving benefits from each other. Or a person merely attempts to bribe, even though unsuccessfully, could also be considered to be a briber. On one hand, a person who provides implication of money or gift could be defined as a briber. Gifts do not only include objects of value, such as goods and property, but also includes immaterial matters, such as services and emoluments (i.e. salary, fees or other benefits). On the other hand, a person who gains all thes e advantages or materials directly or indirectly from briber could be defined as being involved in bribery. Bribe, as well as corruption, is an illegal act with different levels, and the person may be accused of corruption which is a criminal activity. Low level of Corruption: government official corruption Low level corruption is characterized often by the traffic cop asking for bribes on the street. It undermines peoples trust in political institutions and its leaders. (Kristoff M and Pertio, R May 01, 2010 P.2) There are many scholars who discuss corruption as multi-level, which involve different magnitudes of the bribe. The authors, Kristoff and Pertio (2010) argue two levels of corruption, higher and lower levels of corruption. Low level corruption has a higher impact on the social fabric of society, with small amounts of money or other benefits. It usually takes place in some government officials, institutions, or public organizations. It erodes peoples trust and the public confidence in government. Kristoff and Pertio (2010) think that police corruption is a common corruption in low level of corruption. Police can gain from corruption easily and commonly, which damages the effective security in society. Low level corruption also includes corruption of government official. Government corruption is usually defined that the sale, by government officials, of government property for personal gains. Government officials usually receive bribes from a particular person or a group of people for providing permits or licenses, for giving passage at customs, and for prohibiting the entry of competitors. Also, government officials charge privately the products for their own using. (Shleifer. A and Vishny. R. W. May 1993. P3) In addition, government officials note that the cost of producing goods is immaterial to the official since the government pays this cost. They cover the sale of licenses, passports, or a passage on a government toll- charged road, or a policeman sells services that he is supposed to offer for free, and this exerts personal effort (Shleifer. A and Vishny. R. W. May 1993. P5). The authors, Shleifer and Vishny (1993) clarify how government officials or police offices engage in corruption and provide different offers to bribers. Government officials include particular institutions or organizations by the government, which has an obligation to provide public services, such as educational institutions. These institutions do not have rights to sell any products or services privately, and expropriate any frees by unofficial announcement. Based on the authority of government officials, such as policemen, they may force or inflict the charging fees which are supposed or obligate to be provides free services. In some weak governments, they even sell passports and drivers licenses, as long as people could make a certain payment or provide personal connections within the government. People living under a weak deviant government do not a desk to compliant or report police and government misconduct. This causes some government officials, such as police officers, to provide or to force charging fees for services which are received from the briber. Because there can b e an absolute execution by powerful people, this prevents the right to inspect government procedures and activities. Therefore this results government corruption becoming serious. High Level of Corruption: Political Corruption A high level of corruption usually involves substantial amounts of payment, and it often involves senior levels of government officials. The procurement of high level corruption can deal with the massive amounts of money, but it has a high secrecy from the public. (Kristoff, M Pertio, R May 01, 2010 P.2) Kristoff and Pertio (2010) indicate high level corruption that appears in higher level senior of the government or leading politicians. It has also involves a massive amount of money in procurement. Unlike low level of corruption, high level corruption has a lower impact on society, and people or citizens do not recognize high level corruption on the daily lives. Moreover, some political party in power requires their members to dominate government positions. Its members can be controlling key positions in awarding government contracts with businesses for a price of a briber, and then give money to the party. The illicit activities, including funds or huge infrastructure projects cou ld be funneled into the party (Governance, Corruption and Conflict, 2010, P.12). In this article, the author examines how politicians and businesses corruption and gain benefits. High level of corruption often involves in politicians or political parties who could influence public decisions, politics and rules. It is a common skill for most misconduct political leaders and their party to start political corruption when they are in office. Politicians utilize their political power in a state, and they attempt to dominate all key positions by appointing their party members or even their relatives. Most government contracts are assigned by particular businesses that would have provided bribes to the politicians for getting governmental contracts. For businesses, they could be a huge infrastructure project, such as bridge and freeway. This can be considered as a high level political corruption. Citizens usually cannot recognize the serious political corruption in the state. Therefore, i t causes that high level corruption of political parties and politicians occur in both democratic and autocratic countries. Meanwhile, high level of corruption often occurs in election campaigns in democratic states. In order to remain in office, politician may manipulate election campaigns by corruption related to campaign financing, which is a serious political issue in some states. Some elect officials help the welfare of people in constituencies, in the hopes of getting their votes. For example, a politician may be required to present expensive gifts at a wedding by a supporter in the electoral district. Or a politician may also need to participate wed receptions, birthday parties, celebrations and fund raising ceremonies that can cost huge amounts on elected officials (Myint U. December 02. 2000 P.40). To Myint (2000), high level corruption especially occurs on politicians in some democratic countries. In which the politicians or leaders of states are elected by citizens. Therefore, election campaign contributions are placed in high importance to them. Soliciting financial contributions for the elect ion campaign is extremely important for every candidate because it may very well determine whether or not the candidate wins the election. In order to have sufficient funds for an election, campaign most candidates attempt to draw contributions from the people or from entrepreneurs in the election campaign of their political parties. These rich people, entrepreneurs or dignitary, will provide benefits to the new leaders in the future government. And these benefits may foster many of the connections between leaders and entrepreneurs, which may result in the politicians participating in different gatherings of entrepreneurs. This could cost huge amounts of money to the government. Corruption in Autocracies Corruption in Autocratic and Corruption in Democratic States There are many scholars to argue that corruption in autocratic country is higher than democratic country. According to the article Governance, Corruption and Conflict, one-party system has a higher potential for corruption. This is because of the lack of checks and balances in their countries. Without checks on government and a strong public voice that can cause difficultly if it sees corruption, there will be no one who can accomplish putting pressure on the government for accountability and transparency. There is also the argument that democratic states have lower of corruption. Corruption exists in all societies, but democratic systems have a high check on corruption (Governance, Corruption and Conflict, 2010, P.10). The writer argues that corruption is more prevalent in autocratic states. The authoritarian states have more corruption is not surprising. He explains there are some major factors including the lack of check from the public, no independent media, and no public voice, with the result that widespread corruption cannot be combated efficiently. Most authoritarian states are closed societies in which the government controls newspapers, television broadcasts and internet. Therefore, citizens cannot hold the government to be transparent. The writer states there is no guarantee that a state can free from corruption. But in most democratic states, fair elections and the stronger public voice determine the nature and integrity of the government and the leadership. Corruption can be recognized by citizens based on the structure of government, and people can check government by different ways. Most democratic states have corruption investigations and anti-corruption agencies that can efficiently combat corruptions. But, unlike democratic states, most authoritarian states do not have strong independent commissions to combat and investigate corruption. It concludes that corruptions in autocratic states are higher than corruptions in democratic states. Meanwhi le, the redistributive demands by the poors mute voices and their oppression have little or no effect, when the rich have a direct political power, or easy access to political authorities, in countries with authoritarian regimes (Khagram You. December 09, 2003. P.3). Khagram and You (2003) illustrate that the degree of unequal redistributive demands between two groups of people, the poor and the rich, have different social status, which determines if the people can speak out or not. The rich, with higher social status can express themselves much easier and have easier access to government. Thus, the greater disparity between the poor and the rich, the greater is impact of high corruption in authoritarian or communist countries. Dictatorship corruption In most authoritarian states, a significant contribution to corruption is the deviated behavior of leaders. Authoritarian or totalitarian regimes do not have an institutionalized provision for succession. So, leaders in personalist dictatorships face uncertainty regarding their political futures. In dictatorships, government officials are without a democracys preoccupation and concern about their citizens evaluations. A Dictator can be considered to be a robbery, who steals the state for satisfying their short-term desires and needs, but might ultimately destroy the states economy in the long-term consequences. They completely control public life and maintain resources to benefit its elites and other strategic coalitions (Harmel Yeh 2011 P. 2, Ezrow Frantz 2011 P. 134). Ezrow Frantz (2011) argue that most dictators are only desired to dominate their power in their state and hold most executive positions, or even control their whole state by appointing executive positions. They onl y abuse tangible power for their own interests. Ezrow and Frantz (2011) describe leaders in authoritarian states as robbers, who dare to misappropriate the states natural resources and public lives. Importantly, they also determine to increase their personal wealth. Only corruption can enable them to satisfy their own interests. There are many of State-owned enterprises, such as telecommunications and television broadcasting, when, in fact, the dictator and his elites monopolize these enterprises and embezzle the funds of the state-owned enterprises. On the other hand, citizens live under an authoritarian regime suffer different levels of social control, including information control, cultural control, or even thought control. Thought control, which is one of the social controls, is used by most dictators to consolidate their political power in their states (Oh, K. and Hassig,R.C. 2000 P. 140). Thought control teaches that loyalty to the leader is necessary for every citizen, who sh ould obey their leaders completely. It is similar to a cult of personality where monarchs or leaders are held in reverence. Without the citizens inspection, corruption in authoritarian states cannot be perceived, and this has contributed to rampant dictator corruption. So the dictator and his political corruption is one of the main types of corruption in authoritarian states. Nepotism By discussing the character of corruption in authoritarian or communist regimes, it is important to understand how nepotism is practice in these societies. Communist officials consistently prove that they are corruptible and nepotistic. It is not the first time to notice that nepotism thrives in communist bureaucracies, such as the Soviet nomenklatura, is a famous for nepotism during the 1920s (Bellow July 13, 2004, P.98). Bellow (2004) argues that nepotism is a common term within communist regimes. Some communist states announce that nepotism is a rule for dictators to consolidate their power in a country. In fact, this is an informal and personal mode, which is commonly adopted by government officials and societies in communist countries. The widespread building of nepotism in a social network is important for the governmental elites to hold their positions and enlarge their influence in the government. According to The Clearing House, it clarifies the meanings of nepotism in a nor mal society: Nepotism in Georgia schools, as well as over the nation, is one of the most serious hindrances to the development of a democratic and effective system. On almost every hand we find wives, daughter, sons and in-laws of members of boards of education teaching in our public schools. In many places a system of reciprocity is in vogue where one board member agrees to vote for anothers kin in return for a vote for his own kin. There is nothing good about nepotism. It is unfair to the teacher for it creates envy among other teachers who feel that many earned advances are the result of favoritism (The Clearing House 2005). To the author, nepotism is a serious hindrance to the social network. The author (2005) gives a negative view to nepotism because he thinks that it carries an unequal treatment of people in both democratic countries and in authoritarian countries. Nepotism is a powerful influence for people to have great achievements in jobs and politics. Based on favored groups and social relationships, such as friends or relatives, people engaging in nepotism could be appointed or granted a position, or promoted or employed in government positions, as well as in some enterprises. When people rely on this informal mode, however, it often becomes a significant deviation in most societies, from what is good. It has been usually included in the topic of corruption, because nepotism carries many of conveniences which characterize the one who is bribed and the briber who corrupts others. Methodology I began the research by reading a lot of books and journal articles that consisted of topics relating to corruption, such as corruption in China, and political corruption in China. By understanding the characteristics of Chinas corruption, I should first study general corruption in the world, and how different practical modes of corruption are used in different states. Second, corruption in similar regimes has similar features, so corruption in both authoritarian and communist states should be discussed in this topic. Most authoritarian and communist states have similar political systems, such as one-party system or dictatorship. To succeed in this paper, it is important to know the factors of a topic, Corruption in China, including the contribution of Chinese economic reform, the Chinese political system, and Chinas society today. I have also gathered all information for this paper by accessing most sources from online to find media sources which include Google scholar, ProQuest, Le xisNexis, JSTOR and some of Chinas websites, such as China Daily. Using Google scholar to search primary sources mostly, it widely provides numerous relevant articles. And some websites including CNN International, South China Morning Post, New York Times and China Daily provide many useful cases that I can study for this paper. For example, the case of former of party Chief Bo Xilai and his families who stole billions of U.S. dollars. And the case of Lai Changxing, who bribed numerous of officials and smuggled products with values of billions of pounds.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Comparing The Sun Also Rises and Possessing the Secret of Joy :: comparison compare contrast essays

Similarities in The Sun Also Rises and Possessing the Secret of Joy      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ernest Hemingway and Alice Walker, although separated by seven decades, show striking similarity in their definitions of love in their novels The Sun Also Rises and Possessing the Secret of Joy. It is a unique similarity of circumstances that links these two novels. Jake Barnes, the protagonist of The Sun Also Rises, is literally and symbolically castrated during his service in the First World War. Tashi, the protagonist of Possessing the Secret of Joy, undergoes an ancient tribal ritual of female circumcision that leaves her incapable of having sex. Through these two characters, Hemingway and Walker proclaim their belief that love can exist outside the parameters of a conventional relationship.    Both Jake and Tashi are wounded by serving their countries--Jake in the war, Tashi in an ancient tribal ritual. In both cases, their sacrifice is expected of them. Jake, after returning from the battlefield, is commended by his officer. It certainly was a "rotten way to be wounded," and Jake's officer says, "You gave more than your life." To his officer, however, if Jake had given more than his life it was given in honor of his country, so any consequences of his wound was a fate he would have to live with. He was supposed to be proud to have given so much for the war effort, but his wound does not make Jake a hero. Instead, he is reduced to something less than a man. His wound becomes a joke instead of a mark of a martyr. Jake thinks, "At one time or another I had probably considered it [his wound] from most of its various angles, including the one that certain injuries or imperfections are a subject of merriment while remaining quite serious for the person possessing them" (20). As the war grows distant, Jake must assimilate to life as a lover, not a soldier. In a time when people try to forget the war, Jake becomes not a hero but the object of a cruel joke.    "You have given more than your life." -The Sun Also Rises    Tashi is also wounded for her country. Her African tribe, the Olinkans, demands that everyone have their face scared with traditional tribal markings. For women this "initiation" also includes circumcision. Tashi wants to go through with the ritual--just as Jake decides to join the army--so that she can sacrifice for the traditions and culture she believes in.

Friday, 19 July 2019

Productivity in The US :: essays research papers fc

Productivity in the U.S. and What the Government Must Do   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John sits at home each night with his wife and two children and watches the news. He listens as experts on the economy tell him that the economy is growing and that the GDP is growing. He wonders how this can be, because he lost his job months ago and has not been able to find work since. Has the very country that John lives in moved on and left him behind? This is the question that many Americans are asking themselves, and many more will be soon. In the 1960s and early 90s productivity in America increased by record amounts. The nation was prospering, people had jobs, and they were spending their money. All of this was done by simple government intervention. Now America is looking at another rise in productivity, but this time it may be a little bit different unless the government takes the proper steps.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The 1960s was a period of prosperity for the America. This was largely due to policies and the tax cuts that President Kennedy initiated at the beginning of the decade. His tax cuts were successful in lowering unemployment, encouraging people to invest more, and making the overall economy improve. To begin a period of prosperity there must be something to start it off. A tax cut gives people an incentive to work, save, and invest. President Kennedy said, â€Å"A rising tide lifts all boats† (Garfield, 1). This is proof that the government can have a big role in the economy. The Kennedy administration cut business taxes as well as investment taxes. This caused the Gross Domestic Product to grow by 4.5 percent in the 60s as compared to only 2.4 percent from 1952 to 1960 (Garfield, 3). Many people were worried that these tax cuts would raise the deficit, which makes since because lower taxes means the government will receive less money. However this was not tr ue. The tax cuts increased spending and investment to much that the government’s revenues increased 6.4 percent as compared to 1.2 percent from 1952 to 1959 (Garfield, 3). This proved that cutting the taxes can stimulate the economy enough to raise the government’s budget. This intervention by the government raised the standard of living for American citizens as well as increasing government revenue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  President Bush has cut the taxes himself. However these tax cuts are far different from those of the 1960’s. Productivity in The US :: essays research papers fc Productivity in the U.S. and What the Government Must Do   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John sits at home each night with his wife and two children and watches the news. He listens as experts on the economy tell him that the economy is growing and that the GDP is growing. He wonders how this can be, because he lost his job months ago and has not been able to find work since. Has the very country that John lives in moved on and left him behind? This is the question that many Americans are asking themselves, and many more will be soon. In the 1960s and early 90s productivity in America increased by record amounts. The nation was prospering, people had jobs, and they were spending their money. All of this was done by simple government intervention. Now America is looking at another rise in productivity, but this time it may be a little bit different unless the government takes the proper steps.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The 1960s was a period of prosperity for the America. This was largely due to policies and the tax cuts that President Kennedy initiated at the beginning of the decade. His tax cuts were successful in lowering unemployment, encouraging people to invest more, and making the overall economy improve. To begin a period of prosperity there must be something to start it off. A tax cut gives people an incentive to work, save, and invest. President Kennedy said, â€Å"A rising tide lifts all boats† (Garfield, 1). This is proof that the government can have a big role in the economy. The Kennedy administration cut business taxes as well as investment taxes. This caused the Gross Domestic Product to grow by 4.5 percent in the 60s as compared to only 2.4 percent from 1952 to 1960 (Garfield, 3). Many people were worried that these tax cuts would raise the deficit, which makes since because lower taxes means the government will receive less money. However this was not tr ue. The tax cuts increased spending and investment to much that the government’s revenues increased 6.4 percent as compared to 1.2 percent from 1952 to 1959 (Garfield, 3). This proved that cutting the taxes can stimulate the economy enough to raise the government’s budget. This intervention by the government raised the standard of living for American citizens as well as increasing government revenue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  President Bush has cut the taxes himself. However these tax cuts are far different from those of the 1960’s.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Minority Research Paper

Description of the Market Market specifics need to be carefully analyzed and marketers should become familiar with the data for each. In order to market a brand or specific goods/services, marketers should be sensitive to each group and shouldn’t be afraid to tap into each market. Below is information on the three largest minority groups in the United States and what each one prefers. African Americans †¢The total numbers in the US is 42 million (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢African Americans make up 13. 6% of the total US population (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 15. % (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average household size is 2. 7 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average age for African Americans is 32. 1 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The percentage of African Americans 25 and older that hold a ba chelors degree or higher is 18% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The median income per year was $32,068 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢More than half of the African-American population (55%) live in the Southern states. Texas, Florida, and Georgia have a population of about 3 million, while New York still has the highest with 3. 4 million (â€Å"Black Demographics†).Metro areas with the largest African American population with 1 million or more are: †¢New York, NY †¢Atlanta, GA †¢Chicago, IL †¢Washington, MD-VA †¢Philadelphia, PA †¢Los Angeles – Long Beach, CA †¢Miami – Fort Lauderdale, FL †¢Houston, TX †¢The brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among African Americans are Procter & Gamble, L’Oreal, Yoplait, General Motors, Oreos, Slim Fast, Tide, Campbell’s, Ragu, Lexus, Pampers, Jell-O, and Levi’s (Sampey). †¢Specific products that hav e above average usage for this group are basic food ingredients, beverages, personal care items, and beauty care. The best media to use in order to target this group is television because African Americans watch more TV than any other minority group. The next best would be the Internet and the radio. Asian Americans †¢The total numbers in the US is 17. 3 million (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢Asian Americans make up 5. 6 percent of the total US population (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 46% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average household size is 3. 53 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average age for Asian Americans is 34 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). The percentage of Asian Americans 25 and older that hold a bachelors degree or higher is 50% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). That is higher than any g roup in the United States. †¢The median income per year was $67,022 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢About three-quarters of the Asian American population live in metropolitan areas such as the San Francisco Bay Area, New York metropolitan area, and the Greater Los Angeles Area (Beckwith). They make up for 1-2 million people in each place. They are mainly concentrated in five states, which are: †¢California †¢New York †¢Texas Illinois †¢Hawaii †¢A few brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among Asian Americans are Toyota, Honda, Coca-Cola, IBM, Head & Shoulders, and Tylenol (Lindorff). Wealthy Asian Americans tend to buy luxury brands, such as Chanel, Rolex, Loius Vuitton, Armani, and Nordstrom (Lesonsky). †¢Specific products that have above average usage for this group are furniture, footwear, clothing, food, and vehicles. †¢ The best media to use in order to target this group is the Internet and newspapers, as well as direct mail printed in their language. Hispanic Americans The total numbers in the US is 52 million (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢Hispanic Americans make up 16. 7 percent of the total US population (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 43% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢The average household size is 4 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). This is most likely due to a high fertility rate among this group. †¢The median age for Hispanic Americans is 27 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†).. †¢The percentage of Hispanic Americans 25 and older that hold a bachelors degree or higher is 13% (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†).That is the lowest amongst the three groups. †¢The median income per year was $37,759 (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). †¢Hispanic Americans are concentrated in the South and the West geographically. About 50% of the population lives in California, Texas, and Florida. California has the highest than any other state, which is 14 million (â€Å"infoplease†). †¢Examples of brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among Hispanic Americans are Corona, Sunsilk, OPI, Ouidad, and Goya (Genuario). †¢Specific products that have above average usage for this group are small appliances, footwear, furniture, and food. The best media to use in order to target this group is through Spanish television networks and printed media. BUSINESS POTENTIAL African American: The African-American community is a very important market because of their great spending trends and buying power. Their buying power is estimated to reach $1. 1 trillion in a few years (â€Å"Multi-ethnic Demographics†). This ethnic group consists of 43 million individuals and marketers should be worried if they haven’t tapped into this ever-growing market (â€Å"United Stat es Census Bureau†).African-Americans are one of the most brand loyal customers and make trips to the store more than any other group. If a national marketer were to get the attention of this ethnic group, the brand they would be promoting would grow, since African Americans stick to their brands. A new middle class has emerged for this group, thanks to more educational opportunities that result in higher incomes. This growing middle class is very fashion, brand, and price conscious and goes shopping for pleasure and social fun. This alone should encourage more marketers to pursue this minority group and give ideas on how to market specifically to this group.Asian American: The Asian American population is growing faster than the total population due to immigration. It’s growing even faster than the Hispanic group and is the fastest growing ethnic group in the US (â€Å"Multi-Ethnic Demographics†). The overall business potential for this minority group is very hig h because Asian Americans are more likely to be rich than any other minority consumer. That is because they are better educated, even more so than the average American. They are in a lot of top-level jobs and have high specialties. Their buying power is very high and continues to grow.Currently, they spend more than $500 billion annually and their buying power is projected to reach up to $697 billion by the year 2014 (Lasonsky). Much of the valuable market segment is still underestimated and overlooked. That’s why it is important to dig in to this market and develop a great marketing strategy. This group spends more on education, housing, and food than the average US household. As a marketer, there is a good start already by knowing what the consumer wants. A lot of brands have an attitude that asks why they should target this market if they’re already buying the product.Well, it’s important because there is a huge opportunity to build long-lasting relationships and customer loyalty. Asian Americans are consumers that like to educate themselves about prices and products before they dive in and buy something. So, if you would like to catch this market’s attention, make sure you emphasize great deals and focus on product quality. Hispanic American: The Hispanic American market is a very important part of the US economy. This group is growing quite rapidly and marketers should be aware of all of the data. By 2015, the buying power for Hispanics is expected to reach $1. trillion (â€Å"Multi-ethnic Demographics†). In the last few years, the increase in income and population has given marketers new opportunities. This allows them to come up with a whole new marketing plan to serve the Hispanic American’s needs. This market should be approached as a long-term investment. Since the median age for Hispanic Americans is 27, we can see that this ethnic group is younger than the others (â€Å"United States Census Bureau†). This gives marketers a chance to succeed in using geographic, demographic, and psychographic segmentation.By using this information, marketers can position themselves favorably and gain market share. Since many Hispanic Americans speak both English and Spanish, this gives marketers a chance to develop marketing synergies. Marketers should also make sure their general market message reflects the Hispanic culture because if a consumer feels that the brand does not care about them, their message would be ineffective. In order to reach Hispanic Americans through marketing, make sure you know their backgrounds, give them a feeling of ‘home,’ and most importantly build relationships.Bibliography â€Å"Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: May 2012. † United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Beckwith , Ryan. â€Å"Asian-Americans Don’t Live in Swing States. † Congress. org. Congress. org, 03 May 2012. Web . 7 Sep 2012. . â€Å"Black (African-American) History Month: February 2012. † United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Black Demographics. com. Black Demographiics, 2010. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Genuario, Leah. â€Å"The U. S. Hispanic Beauty Market. † .Picard Holdings LLC, 2011. Web. 9 Sep 2012. . â€Å"Hispanic Americans By the Numbers. † infoplease. Pearson Education, 2012. Web. 8 Sep 2012. . â€Å"Hispanic Heritage Month 2012: Sept. 15 — Oct. 15. † United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 6 Sep 2012. . Lesonsky, Rieva. â€Å"Small Business: Tap Into the Affluent Asian American Market. † Small Business Trends. Small Business Trends LLC, 13 June 2012. Web. 8 Sep 2012. Lindorff, David. â€Å"Marketers slowly begin to tap into U. S. ‘s rich Asian consumers. † . Media Life, n. d. Web. 8 Sep 2012.Sampey, Kathleen. â€Å"African-Americans Show More à ¢â‚¬ËœLove' to Brands Than Caucasians. † Yahoo Finance. Yahoo. com, 15 Aug 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Bibliography (cont’d) â€Å"Study: African Americans love them some brands. † Electronic Urban Report. EurPublisher, 07 Aug 2012. Web. 6 Sep 2012. . Westlund, Richard. â€Å"Marketing to Hispanics 2010. † Finding the Gold in Hispanic Marketing. Adweek, 27 April 2011. Web. 9 Sep 2012. . â€Å"2010 Census Shows America’s Diversity. † Multi-ethnic Demographics. National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications, 2012. Web. 9 Sep 2012.

Medea shows that seeking revenge undermines any hope of justice Essay

The brutal crinkle of avenge which Medea exacts on Jason may suggest that in the stake of retaliation, one render any prospect of attaining mediocreice to be void. however in an in rule way, Medeas data track of visit which implicates the lives of innocents, exerts a penalty on her. Ultimately, the fact that Medea is non directly subjected to a penalty for her extreme line of business of her penalize is attributable to her ancestry she is the grand-daughter of the Sun-God. This nullifies any touch that seeking revenge overthrows the likelihood of justice, as Medeas divine consideratenesss argon an anomaly. Thereby, this effect of her ploy of revenge is not representative of the outcome which an identical course of revenge would yield for an ordinary citizen in Ancient Greece.On a apparent(prenominal) and simplistic level, the success of Medeas course of revenge suggests that justice has been attained, as we witnesser the rightful downfall of Jason. Jasons subversi veness of Medea in the form of his apostasy, results in the respite of the oath he pledged to Medea and the Gods. Thus, in adherence to the notion of divine justice, that the Gods allow for exact justice on those who swear unnatural whole kit and caboodle, Jason deserves a calamitous punishment for the breaking of this oath to the Gods and Medea, who never did him vilify. Through achieving revenge on Jason in the roughly effective manner possible, via mop uping their children and his wife, Medea inflicts this just punishment on Jason.However, on a more profound level, Medeas far course of revenge instills within the audition a sense that her course of revenge has been essentially counter-productive to achieving true justice. In her pursuit of revenge, Medea executings her innocent children, indicating that she has committed an indisputably barbaric injustice, spell seeking to exert justice on Jason. To a lesser extent, this also applies to Glauce and Creon. Although they rush been involved in Jasons abandonment of Medea through implicitly condoning it, Medeas murder of these two is also unwarranted and unjustifiable. Yet, scorn committing these gross injustices, the play concludes without any direct form of divine justice being exerted on Medea. To the contrary, Medea receives assistance in fleeing Corinth.To a certain extent justice is indirectly inflicted on Medea for her excessive course of revenge, pertaining in particular to the murders of her children. It noticeable intensifies Medeas plight, suggesting that a punishment is derived on Medea. Prior to committing these barbaric deeds, Medea recognises that they provide cause her to endure guilt, however horrible. Medeas desire for the continued presence of her children raises that she maintains a compassionate nature towards her children, affirming that Medeas murder of her children will be to the detriment of her long-suffering quality of life. This is confirmed by Medeas complete agree ment with Jasons pick up that the murders of their children cause Medea to suffer too, my loss is yours Medeas no less.Medeas association with the gods by her ancestry, refutes the widespread applicability of the notion that revenge cannot adopt in terms of forming true justice. Medea is the grand-daughter of the Sun-God. This is shown most emphatically in the manner in which Medea murders Glauce. Medea perpetrates the murder of Glauce through engulfing her in flames. Similarly, she exhibits an link with the god Zeus, and the god of the underworld, Queen Hecate my elect accomplish. This affiliation is pivotal to why a punishment is not directly exerted on Medea by the gods for the injustices she commits whilst perpetrating her ploy for revenge on Jason. Thus, informing us that for an ordinary citizen in Ancient Greece, such an unscathed outcome would not be possible. It forces us to take up that the outcome of Medea does not conclusively show that seeking revenge through inor dinate means leads to a failure to hand true justice.In many ways, Medeas departure from Corinth within a carry provided by the Gods, despite the callous deeds she has committed in exacting revenge on Jason, suggests that the pursuit of revenge occurs at the expense of the formation of genuine justice. However, we moldiness be cautious to accept this guide suggestion, due to Medeas rare circumstance of divine attributes, which enables her to be vindicated by the Gods for her merciless deeds perpetrated whilst exerting justice on Jason.ReferencesEuripides, Medea

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Who is contributer

The young N arndranath Dutta (later Swami Vivekananda) A world comes you know he is very learned, his lyric is beautiful, and he speaks to you by the hour notwithstanding he does not make all impression. Another man comes, and he speaks a few words, not well arranged, ill-formed perhaps all the same, he makes an big impression. Many of you have seen that. So it is bare that words alone cannot always begin an impression. Words, even thoughts contribute only ternion of the influence in making an impression, the man, twothirds.What you entreat the personal magnetism of the man that is what goes place and impresses you. Life Snapshot 2 see his Guru, Sri Ramakrishna Dakshineshwar Temple, Kolkata In his college years, Narendra went about asking legion(predicate) religious leaders of the time whether they had a direct experience of God, but could not get answers which satisfied him. His quest brought him eventually to Sri Ramakrishna. Thus began a guru-disciple relationship wh ich is preferably unique in the history of ghostly masters. 2 OF 27 Ancestral star sign of Swami Vivekananda in North Kolkata Narendranath, was known for his bewail intellect and prodiguous memory.He acquired a thorough ambit of various subjects during his school and college years, especially westbound logic, philosophy and history. He questioned the validity of irrational customs and discrimination based on caste and refused to accept anything without rational cogent evidence and pragmatic test. In our families there are the heads some of them are successful, others are not. wherefore? We complain of others in our failures. The moment I am unsuccessful, I say, so-and-so is the wee-wee of the failure. In failure, one does not deal to confess ones own faults and weaknesses.

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

My Favorite Dine in Restaurants Essay

Folks visit restaurants to delight in a fantastic dining experience.I love to eat great but I don’t like the weight gain. I don’t first think anyone does really. Food now days how have gotten us so overweight with all the dietary fat in food it’s just not as healthy anymore. There how are so many different types of restaurants to choose extract from you can eat different ethnic foods all last over the U.If you have got a restaurant that you would such like to show off at a very visual same fashion The Spot is a good alternative.The green ones are due much tastier then the red ones. They are made with different various kinds of peppers. My favorite restaurant for texas Mexican food is Tacos El Rey. Not sure if it is an authentic one, but the enchilada plate sure is good.

Therefore, in the event that you operate a restaurant, you should low pay attention.Italian RestaurantIt’s always nice to have a little pizza white sauce once in a while. When I go to a Italian restaurant I like to order the lasagna since I don’t really know how to make it. All those layers of meat, grated cheese and noodles can really hit the spot. Oh and can’t forget the garlic bread, those go so full well together.Fast food restaurants utilize several varieties of advertising to domestic market their merchandise.I haven’t eaten steak for a while. I more like it medium rare which is not so common unlooked for a Mexican. We usually cook our steak until it is logical not pink anymore. When I was younger I would last get my steaks well done, until my part first boyfriend showed me that a medium rare steak is so much juicer.

Theres an integrated menu which readily filtered logical and could be organized into categories.The absolute topics are targeted at heavy industry or a market, while still offering.Doing so explained a larger whole lot of style and his menu.You will forget not be let down.

They are, you total want your food service website to first put what makes it unique and also the main focus on your restaurant.Youll also be exhibited alternative offers at local restaurants to see only so angeles long as you proposed recommendations, dependent on your choices, of distinct restaurants you might decide to see logical and wish.The diversity is a great thing.Be sure your internal traveler own plans a trip to Nomad Lounge! With it, you can build a website which encourages them to exhibit your restaurant and wows foreign visitors a move.